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Full-Stack .NET Developer Journey
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Learn how to create your own products and applications using one of the most popular and widely used programming languages, C#. In combination with the popular . Mostre mais
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- Досліджуйте основи C#, включаючи типи даних, структури управління, цикли, масиви та методи.
- Розвивайте розуміння синтаксису C# та як відображати вивід на екрані.
- Інтегруйте базові та складні вирази за допомогою операторів, приймайте рішення з if, else та switch операторами.
- Працюйте з різними типами даних, такими як цілі числа, числа з плаваючою комою, булеві значення, символи та рядки, розуміючи їх застосування та управління.
- 528 chapters
- 54 hours
- 535 tasks
Trusted by employees of leading companies
Learning track content
Module 1 / Noções Básicas de C#
Nesta seção, teremos uma introdução ao C#. Além disso, também aprenderemos alguns elementos básicos da linguagem C#.
Em qualquer linguagem de programação, temos que lidar com diferentes tipos de dados. Nesta seção, aprenderemos sobre isso.
- Tipos de Dados InteirosPreview
- Declarando Variáveis com Tipos ExplícitosPreview
- Ponto Flutuante e DoublePreview
- BooleanosPreview
- CaracterePreview
- StringPreview
- Desafio de StringsPreview
- Formatação Básica de StringsPreview
- Prática de Formatação de StringsPreview
- Declarando ConstantesPreview
- Conversão de Tipos BásicaPreview
- Prática de Conversão de TiposPreview
- Conversão Básica de TiposPreview
- Prática Básica de CodificaçãoPreview
Nesta seção, aprenderemos sobre os recursos do C# que nos ajudam a controlar o fluxo do programa, como a execução de partes do código com base em condições.
- Operadores de ComparaçãoPreview
- Operadores LógicosPreview
- Desafio de OperadoresPreview
- Ordem das OperaçõesPreview
- instrução ifPreview
- Desafio de if-conditionPreview
- Palavra-chave elsePreview
- Prática da Palavra-chave elsePreview
- Cadeia if-elsePreview
- Tarefa (se, senão-se, senão)Preview
- Instrução switchPreview
- Praticando SwitchPreview
Nesta seção, aprenderemos como lidar com tarefas repetitivas na programação.
Arrays são uma parte importante de qualquer linguagem de programação, pois nos permitem agrupar e manipular uma grande quantidade de dados semelhantes. Nesta seção, aprenderemos sobre Arrays e como usá-los para aplicações práticas.
Nesta seção, aprenderemos sobre um dos recursos mais amplamente utilizados e essenciais do C# chamados Métodos. Também exploraremos seus usos através de tarefas práticas criativas.
- O que são Métodos?Preview
- Criando e Chamando MétodosPreview
- Prática de Criação de MétodosPreview
- Parâmetros de MétodoPreview
- Praticando Método com ParâmetrosPreview
- Valores de Retorno do MétodoPreview
- Praticando Valores de RetornoPreview
- Escopos Locais e GlobaisPreview
- Praticando EscoposPreview
- O que vem a seguir?Preview
Module 2 / C# Beyond Basics
In this section we will learn data structures like Lists and Dictionaries. We will also learn how to read and write files. In the end we will look at how to deal with unexpected errors which can occur during the program's execution.
In this section we will learn about some more advanced structures for storing data, namely Structs and Enumerators. We will learn how to use them and we will look at some practice examples as well.
- What are Structs?Preview
- Defining & Using a StructurePreview
- Practicing StructsPreview
- Structs with Other Data StructuresPreview
- Struct MethodsPreview
- Correctly Accessing Fields in Struct MethodsPreview
- Practicing MethodsPreview
- Struct ConstructorsPreview
- Practicing ConstructorsPreview
- EnumeratorsPreview
- Practicing EnumeratorPreview
In this section, we will learn what Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is and how we can create programs that use the concept of OOP. We will also practice this concept with many hands-on tasks that are fun to solve.
In this section, we delve deeper into the essentials of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). We explore advanced topics to enhance your understanding and proficiency in OOP. From managing object lifecycles through destructors to refining class structures with access modifiers, and harnessing the power of derived classes and method overloading, this section equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to design robust and flexible object-oriented systems.
This will be a detailed chapter in which we will dive deep into the main principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). We will also look at many practical applications and hands-on examples of these principles to understand them better. In this section we will revise some of the concepts from the previous section in a bit more detail and combine the concepts together to understand it more thoroughly.
Module 3 / Introdução ao SQL
Nesta seção, aprenderemos como usar a instrução SQL SELECT para obter uma única coluna de tabela, múltiplas colunas de tabela e todas as colunas de tabela. Também descobriremos como retornar valores únicos.
- Recuperando Colunas IndividuaisPreview
- Recuperando Múltiplas ColunasPreview
- Recuperando Todas as ColunasPreview
- Recuperando Linhas DistintasPreview
- Limitando ResultadosPreview
- Desafio: Encontre a População dos PaísesPreview
- Desafio: Encontre Todos os PaísesPreview
- Desafio: Encontre Todos os Países Com Seus IDsPreview
- Desafio: Encontre as Capitais dos PaísesPreview
- Desafio: Encontre as Regiões em que Todos os Países Estão LocalizadosPreview
Nesta seção, aprenderemos como classificar dados recuperados usando a cláusula ORDER BY. Esta cláusula, que deve ser a última na instrução SELECT, pode ser usada para classificar dados em uma ou mais colunas conforme necessário.\n
- Classificando DadosPreview
- Desafio: Ordenação de PopulaçãoPreview
- Ordenação por Múltiplas ColunasPreview
- Desafio: Consulta de Dupla OrdenaçãoPreview
- Especificando a Direção da OrdenaçãoPreview
- Desafio: Ordenar os Países por Região e CapitalPreview
- Desafio: Ordenar Capitais em Ordem DecrescentePreview
- Desafio: Ordenar Países em Ordem CrescentePreview
- Desafio: Encontre Países, Seus IDs e Suas PopulaçõesPreview
- Desafio: Encontre Países, IDs, Populações, Regiões e Classifique-osPreview
- Desafio: Encontre Todos os Continentes e Ordene-os em Ordem CrescentePreview
Nesta seção, aprenderemos como filtrar dados retornados usando a cláusula WHERE da instrução SELECT. Aprenderemos a testar igualdade, desigualdade, valores maiores e menores que intervalos de valores, e valores NULL.
Nesta seção, aprenderemos como combinar cláusulas WHERE com os operadores AND e OR. Também descobriremos como o operador NOT funciona.\n\n\n
Nesta seção, aprenderemos o que são as funções de agregação SQL e como usá-las para resumir dados de tabelas.
Module 4 / SQL Intermediário
Nesta seção, você vai aprender como agrupar e trabalhar com esses dados. Para isso, vamos nos familiarizar com o operador GROUP BY. Você também aprenderá a filtrar dados agrupados utilizando o operador HAVING.
Nesta seção, você vai aprender o que são subconsultas aninhadas, como criá-las e como trabalhar com elas.
Nesta seção, você aprenderá como pode combinar várias tabelas, trabalhando assim com uma tabela comum, o que simplificará a criação de consultas.
Aprenda os fundamentos da Linguagem de Definição de Dados (DDL) e da Linguagem de Manipulação de Dados (DML) em SQL, incluindo como criar, modificar e deletar objetos de banco de dados, bem como inserir, atualizar e deletar dados dentro das tabelas.
Module 5 / Introduction to .NET with C#
In this section we will learn about what is .NET, how to setup the development environment and how to start making some console apps. Apart from that we will also learn how to take input from the user in the console for making interactive applications.
- What is the .NET Platform exactly?Preview
- Creating a Console ApplicationPreview
- Taking input from the UserPreview
- Task - Building a Simple CalculatorPreview
- Dealing with Exceptions caused by User InputPreview
- Task - Improving the CalculatorPreview
- Reading FilesPreview
- Writing FilesPreview
- Task - File Based CalculatorPreview
In this section, we will be learning how to perform multiple tasks at once to improve the performance and responsiveness of applications. We will also briefly learn what Web Services and APIs are. This will give us an introduction to how the internet and websites work. We will also learn how to use APIs.
- What is Asynchronous Programming?Preview
- Implementing an Asynchronous MethodPreview
- Task - Asynchronously Reading FilesPreview
- Introduction to APIsPreview
- Making a GET RequestPreview
- Task - Using an APIPreview
- Handling Exceptions caused by HTTP RequestPreview
- Task - Exception Handling for API ResponsePreview
In this section we will learn what are databases, specifically what are SQL databases and how to create them. We will study their structure and will learn to perform some basic operations on the databases. This chapter will serve as an introduction to ADO.NET which is a .NET module used for interacting with databases.
- What is a Database?Preview
- Structure of a Relational DatabasePreview
- Setting Up A MySQL ServerPreview
- Connecting to the MySQL ServerPreview
- Task - Writing Connection StringsPreview
- Executing CommandsPreview
- Task - Executing MySQL CommandsPreview
- MySqlCommand MethodsPreview
- Task - Connecting to a MySQL Database and Executing CommandsPreview
In this section, we'll cover the fundamental CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using SQL. We'll explore SQL syntax at a basic level and recap how to implement each SQL statement in C# code. While some parts may serve as a review from the previous section, this will provide a solid understanding of essential database concepts, enabling you to understand both the SQL and C# code and write it independently.
- Introduction to CRUD OperationsPreview
- Installing & Using MySQL WorkbenchPreview
- CREATE - Part IPreview
- Task - Using CREATEPreview
- CREATE - Part IIPreview
- Task - Using INSERTPreview
- ReadPreview
- Task - Using SELECTPreview
- UpdatePreview
- Task - Using UPDATEPreview
- Delete - Part IPreview
- Delete - Part IIPreview
- Task - Using DELETEPreview
In this chapter we will learn about additional functions or methods for making database management more efficient. For-example executing multiple SQL commands at once using Stored Procedures, and retrieving data in bulk from the SQL database using DataSet.
Module 6 / Essenciais de HTML
Obtenha uma introdução à web e HTML, incluindo a importância de tags, elementos e atributos. Aprenda sobre a estrutura básica de um documento HTML e um breve histórico da web.
Domine o essencial da marcação HTML, com foco na formatação de texto especial e listas, entendendo sua importância na estruturação de conteúdo dentro de um documento HTML. Mergulhe nas complexidades da estrutura do documento HTML enquanto aprimora as técnicas de marcação de texto.
Desbloqueie o poder do conteúdo visual e auditivo no desenvolvimento web enquanto aprende a integrar perfeitamente imagens, vídeos e elementos de áudio em documentos HTML. Explore as nuances de incorporação de vários formatos de mídia.
Navegue pelas complexidades da apresentação de dados e interação do usuário com uma cobertura abrangente de tabelas e formulários em HTML, abrangendo estruturas de tabelas, criação de formulários e elementos de entrada. Ganhe proficiência na implementação de elementos de entrada de formulário e aproveite os atributos para funcionalidade aprimorada.
Eleve suas habilidades em HTML para o próximo nível explorando elementos semânticos de HTML, capacitando você a criar conteúdo web bem estruturado e acessível. Comece a construir seu primeiro site, aplicando o conhecimento recém-adquirido para dar vida às suas ideias.
Module 7 / CSS Fundamentals
Basic CSS concepts and rules to add styles to the web page.
- What is CSS?Preview
- Connecting HTML and CSSPreview
- Selectors for Styling HTML ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Add Your First StylesPreview
- Challenge: Add The Styles using the Class NamePreview
- User Action Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Challenge: User Action Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Text ColorsPreview
- Effective Work with CSSPreview
- Challenge: Variables in CSSPreview
Set of CSS properties that are used to style the text content of HTML elements.
Concept of arranging elements according to the box model, which describes the layout and spacing of all elements.
- Box ModelPreview
- Box SizingPreview
- Adding Space to ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Box-SizingPreview
- Structural and Functional Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Challenge: Structural Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Element TypesPreview
- Working with Block-Level ElementsPreview
- Working with Inline ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Predict the Page LayoutPreview
Method of arranging the set of elements in rows and columns.
Create visually stunning and interactive web designs by using advanced CSS techniques for adding decorative elements.
Module 8 / Advanced CSS Techniques
Research what learners can expect from this advanced HTML and CSS styling course. What do you need to know before starting the course? What topics will be covered in it?
Position and manage elements on the web pages. Learn about the different positioning properties, discover how to use the stacking order to control the visibility of elements that overlap each other, and finally, handle content overflow.
- What is Positioning?Preview
- Relative PositioningPreview
- Challenge: Relative PositioningPreview
- Absolute PositioningPreview
- Challenge: Absolute PositioningPreview
- Fixed PositioningPreview
- Challenge: Fixed PositioningPreview
- Sticky PositioningPreview
- Challenge: Sticky PositioningPreview
- Stacking OrderPreview
- Challenge: Stacking OrderPreview
- Content OverflowPreview
Research the power of transitions and learn how to improve the user experience. Discover how to liven properties smoothly and gradually, creating seamless state transitions.
Learn about the animation property and how it can be used to create dynamic and engaging designs. Discover how to create complex animations using keyframes and how to control the animation.
Explore the transformation property, which allows modifying the appearance and position of elements on a webpage. Learn how to scale, rotate, skew, and translate elements in two and three dimensions. Combine multiple transformations to create more complex effects.
The principles and techniques used in adaptive/responsive design aim to make websites and applications accessible and visually appealing across different devices, screen sizes, and orientations.
Learn about preprocessors in CSS and how they can help to write more efficient and maintainable code. Understand how to use preprocessors to simplify the workflow and generate cleaner CSS code.
Module 9 / Introduction to JavaScript
Our first section will introduce you to JavaScript and explore its syntax. This initial step will give you a fundamental understanding of JavaScript's syntax, setting the stage for more in-depth learning in subsequent sections.
We'll dive into the essential data types that JavaScript operates with. We'll begin by distinguishing between literals and variables and then explore the diverse range of data types used in JavaScript. This knowledge will form a solid foundation for your journey into JavaScript.
We're acquainted with the various data types. It's time to roll up our sleeves and learn how to manipulate them. In this third section, we'll explore the operations that can be performed with each data type, equipping you with practical skills to work effectively with JavaScript's data structures.
Delve into the art of controlling the flow of execution in JavaScript. It's a powerful skill that enables us to instruct the interpreter precisely on how to behave under various conditions. You'll gain the ability to orchestrate your code's behavior.
Uncover the code optimization through the use of loops. Loops allow us to streamline our code by performing repetitive actions efficiently. We'll delve into JavaScript's different types of loops and discover how to wield their power effectively.
Unlock the potential of functions as essential tools for crafting simple yet powerful programs. You'll master creating and utilizing functions, empowering you to simplify your coding endeavors and enhance your problem-solving skills.
Module 10 / JavaScript Data Structures
Get a clear roadmap of what's to come, understand the prerequisites, and learn valuable tips to set you up for success as you delve into objects, arrays, and essential programming concepts.
Explore the core concepts of JavaScript objects. This section covers the fundamentals of object creation, property management, and method implementation.
- Understanding ObjectsPreview
- Object CreationPreview
- Nested PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Creating an ObjectPreview
- Accessing Object PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Accessing Object PropertiesPreview
- Working with PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Modifying and Extending ObjectPreview
- Object MethodsPreview
- Properties in MethodsPreview
- Challenge: Working with Object MethodsPreview
- Object Fundamentals Sum UpPreview
Dive into advanced techniques for working with JavaScript objects. This section delves into various strategies to efficiently manipulate and interact with objects.
- Object Iteration with LoopPreview
- Challenge: Object Property ExplorerPreview
- Method hasOwnProperty()Preview
- Challenge: hasOwnProperty() for Object Property IterationPreview
- Spread OperatorPreview
- Challenge: Merging Objects and Adding PropertiesPreview
- Object DestructuringPreview
- Challenge: DestructuringPreview
- Advanced Object Manipulation Sum UpPreview
Embark on a journey into the JavaScript arrays. This section provides a strong foundation for creating arrays, managing elements, and executing basic array operations.
Master the advanced array manipulation skills, covering various techniques and methods for handling arrays effectively in multiple scenarios.
- map() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Array Element TransformationPreview
- filter() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Filtering Students by Exam ScoresPreview
- find() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Discovering Featured ProductsPreview
- sort() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Sorting and Extracting PropertiesPreview
- Advanced Array Operations Sum UpPreview
- Course Sum UpPreview
Module 11 / React Mastery
Gain an understanding of the core principles of React. You'll learn about JSX (JavaScript XML), building reusable UI components, and rendering elements. Additionally, you'll explore the importance of data collection and conditional rendering in React applications. By the end of this section, you'll have a solid foundation of React's essential concepts, setting you up for success in the more advanced topics covered in the following sections.
- What is React?Preview
- SPAs vs. MPAs in Web DevelopmentPreview
- How React Works with the Virtual DOMPreview
- Introducing JSX in ReactPreview
- Creating Complex JSX ElementsPreview
- Rendering Elements in ReactPreview
- Challenge: Rendering ElementPreview
- React ComponentPreview
- Props in ReactPreview
- Challenge: Functional ComponentsPreview
- Conditional RenderingPreview
- Challenge: Conditional Rendering - Chat NotificationPreview
- Challenge: Conditional Rendering - Bank AlertPreview
- Rendering a Data CollectionPreview
- Challenge: Rendering a Data CollectionPreview
- Introduction to React Section Sum-UpPreview
Explore the various methods of adding styles to the React applications. You will learn how to apply styles to individual components, use dynamic styles, and maintain a scalable and maintainable styling approach in your projects.
- Introduction to Styling in ReactPreview
- Inline StylesPreview
- Inline Styles in PracticePreview
- Challenge: Inline StylesPreview
- Styling with the CSS FilePreview
- Styling with the CSS File in PracticePreview
- Challenge: Styling with the CSS FilePreview
- Styling with the CSS ModulesPreview
- File Folder Structure OrganizationPreview
- Challenge: CSS ModulesPreview
- Styling in React Section Sum-UpPreview
Powerful features in modern React development. Hooks revolutionize how we write functional components, providing a concise and intuitive way to manage state and perform side effects. Conversely, Context allows us to share data through the component tree without prop drilling. Combining hooks and Context enables efficient state management and simplified data sharing in React applications.
- Introduction: React Hooks and ContextPreview
- useState HookPreview
- Challenge: Toggling VisibilityPreview
- useRef HookPreview
- Challenge: Creating a Form ComponentPreview
- useEffect HookPreview
- Challenge: Fetching and Displaying DataPreview
- useMemo HookPreview
- Challenge: Car List FilteringPreview
- ContextPreview
- Context in PracticePreview
- Challenge: World of Astronomy AppPreview
- React Hooks and Context Section Sum UpPreview
Step-by-step guide on how to start a real-world React project. From setting up your development environment to understanding project organization and critical tools, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to embark on your React journey.
Module 12 / React Router
Learn the theoretical basics of concepts such as URL, domain, protocol, query parameters, and more. Understand the significance of routing in web applications and why we need the React Router library.
Discover how to create an entire React application from scratch, with the ability to display content that adapts based on the URL using React Router functionality.
- OverviewPreview
- Installing React RouterPreview
- Enabling Routing FunctionalityPreview
- Defining RoutesPreview
- First Steps RecapPreview
- Importing Components with Lazy LoadingPreview
- Implementing a Fallback ComponentPreview
- Second Steps RecapPreview
- Creating NavigationPreview
- Exploring the Complete React Router LogicPreview
- React Router Basics Sum UpPreview
Explore using query strings for sharing and managing application state via URLs, work with different data types in query parameters, and leverage React Router for navigation and effects based on URL changes.
Module 13 / Advanced C# with .NET
In this section, we will learn what MAUI is, and how to set up a .NET MAUI application. We will also look at the structure of an MAUI application, and in the end, we will learn how to add some basic elements to our UI. This section will prepare us for the rest of the course where we will be working with more practical concepts.
In this section we will learn about delegates, events and data binding. Using this knowledge we will learn how to make interesting interactive GUI applications.
In this section, we will learn what Threading is and how to use it to keep our applications responsive, and run smoothly while performing resource intensive tasks. We will see how to differs from other similar concepts on C# and what are good practices when implementing Threading in our application. There will also be some interesting tasks to help us in understand this concept on a deeper level.
In this section, we will learn how to make more robust methods, classes and other objects which can work multiple types of input data types, by first learning about Generics and how to implement generic classes, then we will move on to Reflection and how to use reflection for further improving the capabilities of our programs.
- A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
- Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
- Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
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The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
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Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
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Torne-se um Desenvolvedor React
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Análise e Visualização de Dados em Python
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C++ para Iniciantes
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Python de Zero a Herói
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93 Tarefas
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Web Development with C#
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126 Tarefas
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Test Recalculate
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Excel from Zero to Hero
4 Cursos
53 Tarefas
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Data Analyst Foundation
4 Cursos
97 Tarefas
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Full-Stack .NET Developer Journey
13 Cursos
535 Tarefas
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Test track with rating
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