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Comparison Operators | Control Structures
C# Basics
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

C# Basics

C# Basics

1. Getting Started
2. Dealing with Data Types
3. Control Structures
4. Loops
5. Arrays
6. Methods

Comparison Operators

Before diving into control structures, we need to understand some operators. The first set of operators we will look at are called Comparison Operators.

As expressed by the name, the comparison operators are used for comparing values. Following is a list of all the comparison operators:

==Equal To
!=Not Equal To
>Greater Than
<Less Than
>=Greater Than or Equal To
<=Less Than or Equal To

Using comparison operators we can create logical expressions that return logical values, such as true or false. For-example the expression 5 < 1 will output false as 5 is not greater than 1.


We can directly put expressions in the Console.Write methods.



Following are some more examples of expressions formed using comparison operators:



We can also put variables in these expressions:



We can store the results of the logical expressions into bool variables since boolean variables can hold a value of true or false:



What will be the output of the following code?

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