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Noções Básicas de C#
Noções Básicas de C#
Formatação Básica de Strings
We can output text and a variable value using an already known method (the +
using System; namespace ConsoleApp { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int number = 10; Console.WriteLine("The value is: " + number); } } }
However there are better and more suitable methods for string formatting which can also handle complex cases. The first method is by using the placeholder syntax. To understand this syntax we will use the Console.WriteLine
using System; namespace ConsoleApp { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int val1 = 10; int val2 = 20; int val3 = 30; Console.WriteLine("The values are: {0}, {1} and {2}", val1, val2, val3); } } }
In the above code we insert placeholders in the string where values are to be inserted. The syntax of a placeholder is a number (index) enclosed in curly brackets {index}
and the value index starts from 0
. When the output string is generated, the placeholders are filled with the corresponding values that are passed as additional arguments to the Console.WriteLine method.
Existe outro método muito mais simples de formatar strings. Podemos usar o caractere para indicar que uma string é uma string formatada e inserir diretamente valores dentro dela usando as chaves (
Usando esta sintaxe, também podemos gerar e armazenar strings formatadas em variáveis de string:
Using this syntax, we can also generate and store formatted strings into string variables:
using System; namespace ConsoleApp { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int val1 = 10; int val2 = 20; int val3 = 30; string text = $"The values are: {val1}, {val2} and {val3}"; Console.WriteLine(text); } } }
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