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Time.deltaTime | Unity Physics
Unity for Beginners
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Unity for Beginners

Unity for Beginners

1. Unity Introduction
2. Write your First Script
3. Unity Physics
4. Unity UI and Sounds
5. Polishing and Export your Game


In games, actions and movements are often calculated based on frames. Each frame represents a single snapshot of time where the game updates what's happening - moving objects, detecting collisions, etc.

Consistency Across Devices:

Games need to run smoothly across different devices with varying processing powers. If you were to move an object by a fixed amount each frame, it would appear to move faster on a faster device and slower on a slower device. This inconsistency is problematic.

Time.deltaTime to the Rescue

Time.deltaTime provides a way to ensure that movements appear consistent across different devices. It represents the time it took to complete the last frame, usually measured in seconds. By using Time.deltaTime in calculations, you ensure that movements are proportional to the time it took to render the last frame.


Let's say you want to move an object by a speed of 5 units per second. Instead of moving it by 5 units directly, you multiply the speed by time.deltaTime. If the last frame took 0.02 seconds to render, 5 * 0.02 = 0.1. So, you move the object by 0.1 units. This ensures that regardless of the frame rate, the object moves at the intended speed.

In this example:

Time.deltaTime ensures that the object's movement remains consistent across different frame rates. It does this by scaling the movement based on the time it took to render the last frame. This ensures smooth and uniform movement regardless of the device's performance or frame rate, providing a better user experience in the game.

Smooth Animations:

By using Time.deltaTime, animations and movements appear smooth and consistent across different devices and frame rates.

Physics and Time.deltaTime:

This concept is crucial in physics calculations as well. When dealing with physics simulations, it's essential to factor in the time elapsed between frames to ensure realistic behavior of objects like gravity, collisions, and forces.

What is the purpose of Time.deltaTime in game development?

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