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Web Development with C# | Codefinity

Web Development with C#

95 reviews
This track is divided into multiple courses, starting from the basic concepts of C#, slowly moving towards more advanced concepts, and eventually leading to Web Development with ASP.NET. Show more
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What you will learn
  • You will learn to master the NumPy library for high-performance numerical computing
  • You will gain proficiency in manipulating data using the Pandas library
  • You will understand the mathematical foundations essential for data analysis and modeling
  • You will explore the basics of probability theory and its application in data analysis
  • You will learn to visualize data using Python’s Matplotlib library
  • You will create sophisticated data visualizations with Seaborn
  • You will develop the skills to perform complex data transformations and aggregations
  • You will learn to clean, preprocess, and analyze large datasets efficiently
  • You will be able to apply statistical methods to derive insights from data
  • chapters
    282 chapters
  • hours
    28 hours
  • tasks
    283 tasks
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У цьому розділі ми дізнаємося, як справлятися з повторюваними завданнями в програмуванні.
Масиви є важливою частиною будь-якої мови програмування, оскільки вони дозволяють групувати та маніпулювати великою кількістю схожих даних. У цьому розділі ми дізнаємося про масиви та як їх використовувати для практичних застосувань.
Module 2 / C# Beyond Basics
In this section we will learn data structures like Lists and Dictionaries. We will also learn how to read and write files. In the end we will look at how to deal with unexpected errors which can occur during the program's execution.
In this section, we will learn what Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is and how we can create programs that use the concept of OOP. We will also practice this concept with many hands-on tasks that are fun to solve.
In this section, we delve deeper into the essentials of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). We explore advanced topics to enhance your understanding and proficiency in OOP. From managing object lifecycles through destructors to refining class structures with access modifiers, and harnessing the power of derived classes and method overloading, this section equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to design robust and flexible object-oriented systems.
This will be a detailed chapter in which we will dive deep into the main principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). We will also look at many practical applications and hands-on examples of these principles to understand them better. In this section we will revise some of the concepts from the previous section in a bit more detail and combine the concepts together to understand it more thoroughly.
У цьому розділі ми навчимося фільтрувати повернені дані за допомогою оператора SELECT з використанням клаузи WHERE. Ми дізнаємося, як перевіряти на рівність, нерівність, більше та менше значущі діапазони значень, а також значення NULL.
Module 4 / Розширений Рівень SQL
У цьому розділі ви навчитеся групувати дані і працювати з ними. Для цього ми познайомимося з таким оператором, як GROUP BY. Ви також навчитеся фільтрувати згруповані дані за допомогою виразу HAVING.
Вивчіть основи мови опису даних (Data Definition Language, DDL) та мови маніпуляції даними (Data Manipulation Language, DML) в SQL, зокрема як створювати, модифікувати та видаляти об’єкти бази даних, а також як вставляти, оновлювати та видаляти дані в таблицях.
Module 5 / Introduction to .NET with C#
In this section we will learn about what is .NET, how to setup the development environment and how to start making some console apps. Apart from that we will also learn how to take input from the user in the console for making interactive applications.
In this section, we will be learning how to perform multiple tasks at once to improve the performance and responsiveness of applications. We will also briefly learn what Web Services and APIs are. This will give us an introduction to how the internet and websites work. We will also learn how to use APIs.
In this section we will learn what are databases, specifically what are SQL databases and how to create them. We will study their structure and will learn to perform some basic operations on the databases. This chapter will serve as an introduction to ADO.NET which is a .NET module used for interacting with databases.
In this section, we'll cover the fundamental CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using SQL. We'll explore SQL syntax at a basic level and recap how to implement each SQL statement in C# code. While some parts may serve as a review from the previous section, this will provide a solid understanding of essential database concepts, enabling you to understand both the SQL and C# code and write it independently.
In this chapter we will learn about additional functions or methods for making database management more efficient. For-example executing multiple SQL commands at once using Stored Procedures, and retrieving data in bulk from the SQL database using DataSet.
Module 6 / Основи HTML
Отримайте введення у веб та HTML, включаючи значення тегів, елементів та атрибутів. Дізнайтеся про базову структуру HTML-документа та коротку історію вебу.
Опануйте основи розмітки HTML, зосереджуючись на спеціальному форматуванні тексту та списках, розуміючи їх значення у структурі контенту в HTML-документі. Пориньте в тонкощі структури HTML-документа, вдосконалюючи техніки розмітки тексту.
Розкрийте потенціал візуального та аудіо контенту у веб-розробці, навчаючись безперешкодно інтегрувати зображення, відео та аудіо елементи в HTML документи. Досліджуйте нюанси включення різних медіа форматів.
Опануйте складнощі подання даних та взаємодії з користувачем завдяки всебічному висвітленню таблиць і форм у HTML, що охоплює структури таблиць, створення форм та елементи введення. Отримайте навички у впровадженні елементів введення форм та використанні атрибутів для покращеної функціональності.
Підвищте свої навички HTML на новий рівень, заглиблюючись у семантичні елементи HTML, що дозволить вам створювати добре структурований та доступний веб-контент. Почніть створювати свій перший веб-сайт, застосовуючи нові знання для втілення ваших ідей у життя.
Module 7 / Advanced C# with .NET
In this section, we will learn what MAUI is, and how to set up a .NET MAUI application. We will also look at the structure of an MAUI application, and in the end, we will learn how to add some basic elements to our UI. This section will prepare us for the rest of the course where we will be working with more practical concepts.
In this section we will learn about delegates, events and data binding. Using this knowledge we will learn how to make interesting interactive GUI applications.
In this section, we will learn what Threading is and how to use it to keep our applications responsive, and run smoothly while performing resource intensive tasks. We will see how to differs from other similar concepts on C# and what are good practices when implementing Threading in our application. There will also be some interesting tasks to help us in understand this concept on a deeper level.
In this section, we will learn how to make more robust methods, classes and other objects which can work multiple types of input data types, by first learning about Generics and how to implement generic classes, then we will move on to Reflection and how to use reflection for further improving the capabilities of our programs.
  1. A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
  2. Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
  3. Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
Over 200,000 5-star ratings and counting
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
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I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
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