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Task - Using INSERT | CRUD Operations with MySQL
Introduction to .NET with C#
course content

Зміст курсу

Introduction to .NET with C#

Introduction to .NET with C#

1. Introduction
2. Asynchronous Programming and Introduction to Web Services
3. Introduction to Databases with .NET
4. CRUD Operations with MySQL
5. Optimizing Database Operations

bookTask - Using INSERT

In the last task, we created a table that stores the products of a grocery store. They contact you again to fix the previous table making sure that the id of each item in the products table is unique. They also want you to insert the following data into the table:

Your task is to:

  1. Create a new table called store and, this time, make the id column a primary key and set it to automatically increment;
  2. Insert the data given in the groceryItemsData array into the new table.

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Секція 4. Розділ 6