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Indexing Practice | Arrays
C# Basics
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Зміст курсу

C# Basics

Indexing Practice

Find the mean between the largest and the smallest element of the numbers array.

Mean, also called average, represents the central number between two or more than two numbers. For-example the mean value between 1 and 5 is 3.

The formula for finding mean between two numbers sum of the two numbers divided by 2: (num1 + num2) / 2

Use indexing to access the smallest and the largest elements of the array.



  1. The sum variable should contain the sum of the two values.
  2. Figure out the index of the smallest and the largest elements of the numbers array and access those elements via indexing (numbers[index]), then store their sum in the sum variable.
  3. The mean will be the sum divided by 2.


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