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Class Objects | Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
C# Beyond Basics
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C# Beyond Basics

Class Objects

An object of a class can be created using the following syntax:



We can access the field of a class using the dot (.) operator:






The expression new Player(); is used for creating a new object while Player p1 is used for creating a variable for storing that new object. So simply writing Player p1; will only create an empty variable with no object inside it therefore we have to create a new object and, in turn, store it into a variable: Player p1 = new Player();.

Therefore, if we create an Array of size 10 using the Player class, it won't create 10 objects, rather, it will create an empty array with a capacity to store 10 Player objects. This can be understood by the following example:



The error says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" which simply means that we are trying to access data from an object that is not there - there is no object to access at the index 0.

This can be fixed by manually creating an object at the index 0:



What is the correct syntax for creating a new object from a class called Car?

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