Course Content
UI/UX with Figma
UI/UX with Figma
1. Figma Basic Tools
2. Creating and Organizing Objects
Layers in Figma
Layers are created automatically for each object added to a frame, and renaming layers is crucial for keeping designs organized. Layers also follow a stacking order, like thin sheets of glass or paper, determining their visual positioning.
- Layers are stacked in the order of creation, with the most recent on top. Layers' stacking affects how objects overlap visually;
- They can be rearranged by dragging them up or down in the layers panel. Changing a layer's order alters its visibility in relation to others;
- Hovering over a layer highlights it with a blue outline on the canvas;
- Locking an object or frame by clicking on the lock icon prevents their movement or editing;
- Hiding an object or a frame by clicking the visibility (eye) icon makes layers invisible without deleting them.
Remember to keep layers named and organized to manage complex designs easily, and use the locking and visibility commands to control edits and visibility as needed.
1. What determines the visual stacking order of objects in Figma?
2. How can you visually identify a layer or object on the canvas in Figma?
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Section 2. Chapter 1