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Learn Named Range | Sorting, Filtering and Cleaning Data
Google Spreadsheets
course content

Course Content

Google Spreadsheets

Google Spreadsheets

1. Introduction to Google Sheets
2. Formatting of Cells and Ranges
3. Advanced Formatting of Cells
4. Sorting, Filtering and Cleaning Data
5. Creating Charts
6. Basic Functions
7. Logical Functions
8. Collaboration and Security

Named Range

In this chapter we will cover the topic Named Range. You will learn how to use this tool to assign names to ranges of cells, making it easier to reference them in formulas and improving the readability of your tables. This is especially useful for creating more understandable and easily editable formulas.

Adding a Named Range

  • Select the range of cells you want to name;
  • Go to DataNamed ranges;
  • Enter a name for the range in the Name field (e.g., Price);
  • If there's a cell name, insert the number next to the letter that corresponds to the first cell in the range, without the column name before the colon :;
  • Click Done.

Example of Use

Open our real estate data table.

  • Using a Named Range in a formula to calculate the average house price:
    • Create a new Named Range for house prices: select cells H2
      and name it Price;
    • Enter the formula to calculate the average house price:
  • Counting the number of houses built after 2000:
    • Create a new Named Range for the year built: select cells D2
      and name it Year_Built;
    • Enter the formula to count the number of houses built after 2000:
      =COUNTIF(Year_Built, ">2000").

Now, you can easily track the average house price and the number of houses built after 2000 using named ranges.

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