Course Content
Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets
Formatting Data
Formatting as Currency
Formatting data as currency adds a currency symbol and displays the number with two decimal places.
- Select the cell or range of cells you want to format;
- On the toolbar, click the Format as currency icon (with a dollar symbol).
If a cell contains 1234.56, it will display as $1,234.56 after formatting as currency.
Formatting as Percent
Formatting data as a percentage multiplies the cell value by 100 and adds a percentage sign.
- Select the cell or range of cells to format;
- On the toolbar, click the Format as percent icon (with a percent symbol).
If the cell contains 0.25, it will display as 25.00% after formatting as a percentage.
Increasing and Decreasing Decimal Places
You can adjust the number of decimal places displayed using the Increase and Decrease Decimal Places options.
To modify decimal places, first select the cell or range of cells. If you want to reduce the decimal places and display numbers with less precision, click Decrease decimal places (icon with a left arrow and zero). For example, if the cell shows 123.456 and you decrease decimal places to 1, it will display as 123.5.
To increase decimal places and display numbers with greater precision, click Increase decimal places (icon with a right arrow and two zeros). For instance, if the cell shows 123.5 (originally 123.456 with decreased decimals) and you increase decimal places, it will return to 123.456.
Accessing More Formats
Explore additional formats to display cell data, providing more options than standard formats.
- Select the cell or range to format;
- In the top menu, go to Format → Number;
- Alternatively, click the 123 icon in the top menu.
Plain Text
Formats data as plain text. If a cell contains a number, it will convert to text format, displaying as written. For example, if a cell contains the number 1234.56, formatting as plain text will keep it as 1234.56 without numeric formatting.
Formats data as a number with two decimal places and thousand separators. For instance, if a cell contains 1234.56789, formatting as a number might display it as 1,234.57 (with two decimal places).
Formats data in scientific notation, displaying numbers as a product of a value between 1 and 10 and a power of 10. For example, if a cell contains 1234567890, scientific notation might display it as 1.23E+09.
Date Time
Formats data to display both date and time. For instance, if a cell displays 1:45:30 PM, formatting as date and time might show it as 1/2/2024 13:45:30.
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