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Full Stack Web Development
56 reviews
Take on an exciting adventure to become a Full Stack Web Developer and master the skills to create both the front-end and back-end of web applications. This track provides a comprehensive understanding of web development, empowering you to craft complete solutions. Show more
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Try Codefinity TeamsWhat you will learn
- Understand the fundamentals of HTML to structure your web pages effectively
- Learn to style and enhance your web pages using the latest CSS techniques and features
- Develop interactive and dynamic web pages with JavaScript
- Master essential JavaScript data structures
- Build powerful and modern front-end applications using React
- Implement state management in your React applications to create complex and scalable user interfaces
- Learn to build server-side applications with Node.js
- Create and manage RESTful APIs using Express
- Develop full-stack applications by integrating front-end and back-end technologies seamlessly
- Gain hands-on experience by building real-world projects, preparing you for a career in full stack web development
- 296 chapters
- 39 hours
- 327 tasks
Trusted by employees of leading companies
Learning track content
Module 1 / Ultimate HTML
Explore the inner workings of the web. Learn how data travels across networks, discover the role of protocols, and unravel the mysteries of IP addresses and domain names. Gain a high-level understanding of how web browsers and servers communicate to deliver web content.
Discover the power of tags to structure content, from headings and paragraphs to lists and tables. Learn how to enhance the elements with attributes.
- TagsPreview
- AttributesPreview
- Paired and Single TagsPreview
- Text MarkupPreview
- Challenge: Creating Your First Web Page ParagraphPreview
- Challenge: Creating a Personal Introduction Web PagePreview
- Challenge: Building a Movie Showcase Web PagePreview
- Special Purpose Text MarkupPreview
- Challenge: Creating Links to Popular WebsitesPreview
- ValidationPreview
The core of HTML document structure. Learn the components of an HTML document, including the doctype declaration, head, and body. Understand the purpose of each element and how they contribute to the overall structure of a webpage.
Make a web page more appealing with the help of media such as images, audio, and video. Work with structured tabular data in the form of tables.
Explore the versatility of HTML forms. Learn to design intuitive and user-friendly forms by leveraging key concepts and techniques. Discover how forms enable user interaction and data submission on websites.
Module 2 / CSS Fundamentals
Learn what CSS is, how to connect it with HTML, and how to style HTML elements using selectors. Explore foundational concepts like text colors, user action pseudo-classes, and variables in CSS.
- What is CSS?Preview
- Connecting HTML and CSSPreview
- Selectors for Styling HTML ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Add Your First StylesPreview
- Challenge: Add The Styles using the Class NamePreview
- User Action Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Challenge: User Action Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Text ColorsPreview
- Effective Work with CSSPreview
- Challenge: Variables in CSSPreview
Discover how to style and format text on your web pages. Learn to apply custom fonts and explore various font properties to enhance the appearance of text.
Learn the fundamentals of the box model, which defines the layout and spacing of elements on a web page. Explore concepts such as box sizing, adding space to elements, working with block-level and inline elements, and utilizing structural and functional pseudo-classes for advanced styling.
- Box ModelPreview
- Box SizingPreview
- Adding Space to ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Box-SizingPreview
- Structural and Functional Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Challenge: Structural Pseudo-ClassesPreview
- Element TypesPreview
- Working with Block-Level ElementsPreview
- Working with Inline ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Predict the Page LayoutPreview
Discover Flexbox, a powerful CSS layout method for arranging elements in rows and columns. Learn how to control the direction, alignment, and spacing of elements horizontally and vertically, as well as customize individual flex items for precise layouts.
Learn how to enhance the visual appeal of your web pages with CSS. Explore techniques for applying background colors and images, styling images, using decorative pseudo-elements, and adding shadows to create stunning designs.
Module 3 / Introduction to JavaScript
Discover the fundamentals of JavaScript, including its purpose and syntax. Learn how to work with the console for output and use comments to organize and document your code. These foundational skills will prepare you for a deeper exploration of JavaScript's capabilities.
Explore the building blocks of JavaScript by distinguishing between literals and variables. Understand the core data types, including `null` and arrays, and learn how to manipulate them using array methods.
Learn how to manipulate JavaScript's data types through essential operations. Master assignment, mathematical operations, incrementing and decrementing, comparisons, logical operations, and string concatenation.
Streamline your code by mastering JavaScript's looping structures. Explore `while`, `do while`, and `for` loops, and learn how to control their behavior using `break` and `continue`. Unlock the power of loops to perform repetitive tasks efficiently.
Discover the power of functions in JavaScript. Learn how to define functions, work with arguments, and use the `return` statement to create reusable and efficient code. Mastering functions will enhance your ability to write clean and modular programs.
Module 4 / JavaScript Data Structures
Get a clear roadmap of what's to come, understand the prerequisites, and learn valuable tips to set you up for success as you delve into objects, arrays, and essential programming concepts.
Explore the core concepts of JavaScript objects. This section covers the fundamentals of object creation, property management, and method implementation.
- Understanding ObjectsPreview
- Object CreationPreview
- Nested PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Creating an ObjectPreview
- Accessing Object PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Accessing Object PropertiesPreview
- Working with PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Modifying and Extending ObjectPreview
- Object MethodsPreview
- Properties in MethodsPreview
- Challenge: Working with Object MethodsPreview
- Object Fundamentals Sum UpPreview
Dive into advanced techniques for working with JavaScript objects. This section delves into various strategies to efficiently manipulate and interact with objects.
- Object Iteration with for...in LoopPreview
- Challenge: Object Property ExplorerPreview
- Method hasOwnProperty()Preview
- Challenge: hasOwnProperty() for Object Property IterationPreview
- Spread OperatorPreview
- Challenge: Merging Objects and Adding PropertiesPreview
- Object DestructuringPreview
- Challenge: DestructuringPreview
- Advanced Object Manipulation Sum UpPreview
Embark on a journey into the JavaScript arrays. This section provides a strong foundation for creating arrays, managing elements, and executing basic array operations.
Master the advanced array manipulation skills, covering various techniques and methods for handling arrays effectively in multiple scenarios.
- map() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Array Element TransformationPreview
- filter() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Filtering Students by Exam ScoresPreview
- find() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Discovering Featured ProductsPreview
- sort() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Sorting and Extracting PropertiesPreview
- Advanced Array Operations Sum UpPreview
- Course Sum UpPreview
Module 5 / Advanced JavaScript Mastery
Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript classes, from class declarations to defining methods that enhance functionality. Discover how to use parameter objects effectively, manage private properties, and control access with getters and setters. Master static properties and static methods and unlock the power of class inheritance using "extends" and "super()" to build scalable and reusable code.
- Welcome to the CoursePreview
- Class DeclarationPreview
- Challenge: Building a ClassPreview
- Class MethodsPreview
- Challenge: Adding Methods to a ClassPreview
- Parameter ObjectPreview
- Private PropertiesPreview
- Challenge: Implementing Private Properties in a ClassPreview
- Getters and SettersPreview
- Challenge: Managing Properties with Getters and SettersPreview
- Static PropertiesPreview
- Static MethodsPreview
- Challenge: Using Static Properties and Methods in a ClassPreview
- Inheritance with extends and Using super()Preview
- Challenge: Class Inheritance with Extends and Using SuperPreview
Master DOM manipulation to create dynamic, interactive web applications. Navigate and modify the DOM's structure, dynamically update content, and implement best practices for security and performance. Differentiate between properties and attributes to optimize your code.
- What is the DOM?Preview
- Querying the DOMPreview
- Challenge: Querying the DOMPreview
- Understanding the DOM HierarchyPreview
- Challenge: DOM HierarchyPreview
- DOM PropertiesPreview
- Working with Element AttributesPreview
- Challenge: Working with Element Properties and AttributesPreview
- Adding ElementsPreview
- Removing ElementsPreview
- Challenge: Adding and Removing ElementsPreview
- Modifying Element StylesPreview
- Challenge: Modifying Element StylesPreview
Unlock the interactivity of your web applications by mastering JavaScript events. Understand event propagation, control event behavior, and implement efficient event handling for user interactions. Optimize performance with advanced techniques like event delegation.
This section covers the essentials of asynchronous JavaScript, including callbacks, Promises, and async/await. You’ll learn to fetch data from APIs, integrate third-party libraries, and handle multiple requests efficiently, building skills for creating data-driven applications.
- Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScriptPreview
- CallbacksPreview
- PromisesPreview
- Async/AwaitPreview
- Working with APIsPreview
- Practical API IntegrationPreview
- Challenge: Working with APIPreview
- Working with Third-Party LibrariesPreview
- Challenge: Working with Third-Party LibrariesPreview
- Handling Multiple Asynchronous RequestsPreview
Module 6 / React Mastery
Gain an understanding of the core principles of React. You'll learn about JSX (JavaScript XML), building reusable UI components, and rendering elements. Additionally, you'll explore the importance of data collection and conditional rendering in React applications. By the end of this section, you'll have a solid foundation of React's essential concepts, setting you up for success in the more advanced topics covered in the following sections.
- What is React?Preview
- SPAs vs. MPAs in Web DevelopmentPreview
- How React Works with the Virtual DOMPreview
- Introducing JSX in ReactPreview
- Creating Complex JSX ElementsPreview
- Rendering Elements in ReactPreview
- Challenge: Rendering ElementPreview
- React ComponentPreview
- Props in ReactPreview
- Challenge: Functional ComponentsPreview
- Conditional RenderingPreview
- Challenge: Conditional Rendering - Chat NotificationPreview
- Challenge: Conditional Rendering - Bank AlertPreview
- Rendering a Data CollectionPreview
- Challenge: Rendering a Data CollectionPreview
- Introduction to React Section Sum-UpPreview
Explore the various methods of adding styles to the React applications. You will learn how to apply styles to individual components, use dynamic styles, and maintain a scalable and maintainable styling approach in your projects.
- Introduction to Styling in ReactPreview
- Inline StylesPreview
- Inline Styles in PracticePreview
- Challenge: Inline StylesPreview
- Styling with the CSS FilePreview
- Styling with the CSS File in PracticePreview
- Challenge: Styling with the CSS FilePreview
- Styling with the CSS ModulesPreview
- File Folder Structure OrganizationPreview
- Challenge: CSS ModulesPreview
- Styling in React Section Sum-UpPreview
Powerful features in modern React development. Hooks revolutionize how we write functional components, providing a concise and intuitive way to manage state and perform side effects. Conversely, Context allows us to share data through the component tree without prop drilling. Combining hooks and Context enables efficient state management and simplified data sharing in React applications.
- Introduction: React Hooks and ContextPreview
- useState HookPreview
- Challenge: Toggling VisibilityPreview
- useRef HookPreview
- Challenge: Creating a Form ComponentPreview
- useEffect HookPreview
- Challenge: Fetching and Displaying DataPreview
- useMemo HookPreview
- Challenge: Car List FilteringPreview
- ContextPreview
- Context in PracticePreview
- Challenge: World of Astronomy AppPreview
- React Hooks and Context Section Sum UpPreview
Step-by-step guide on how to start a real-world React project. From setting up your development environment to understanding project organization and critical tools, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to embark on your React journey.
Module 7 / Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js
Explore the Backend's crucial role and get acquainted with Node.js — a game-changing runtime environment. Uncover its advantages, learn Node.js installation, and dive into creating your first Node.js app.
Create console applications using Node.js. We will cover fundamental concepts, practical examples, and hands-on exercises to ensure we can confidently create our console applications.
- OverviewPreview
- What are Console Applications?Preview
- Introduction to the FileSystemPreview
- Challenge: FileSystemPreview
- Command Line Interface (CLI) AppsPreview
- Commander ModulePreview
- Readline ModulePreview
- Console App: Guessing GamePreview
- Working with DirectoriesPreview
- Console App: DirInspect ProPreview
- "Console Apps" Section Sum UpPreview
Delve into Express.js as a web application framework. You'll gain insights into why Express is a popular choice for web development, how to set up a basic Express application, create routes to handle various requests and understand middleware concepts.
Learn how to build a REST API using Node.js and Express.js, step by step. This section will walk you through creating a simplified Twitter-like app, helping you master the art of developing RESTful APIs while adding a valuable project to your portfolio.
- OverviewPreview
- REST API Main ConceptsPreview
- Project StructurePreview
- Setting Up the Entry PointPreview
- Implementing the "GET ALL POSTS" RoutePreview
- Implementing the "GET POST BY ID" RoutePreview
- Implementing the "CREATE POST" RoutePreview
- Implementing the "UPDATE POST BY ID" RoutePreview
- Implementing the "DELETE POST BY ID" RoutePreview
- Starting and Testing the APIPreview
- Conclusion and Next StepsPreview
- A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
- Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
- Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
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The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
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I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
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Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
Ruslan Kravchuk
The main thing is to learn and not give up
The material is good, there is a lot to learn, all in order to become better and the main thing is to learn what you want....
Matteo Comune
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot…
Thanks to them I'm learning a lot faster because they help you to understand everything from scratch. It's the best website that helps people with no background in IT...
Yuliana Cadavid
great course for beginners
great course for beginners, they test your knowledge in every lesson...
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience…
I am enjoying my Codefinity experience learning Python. The self-paced way of learning is great because I can fit it into my schedule...
Alexandru Alexandru
Is nice to learn from codefinity
Is nice to learn from codefinity. Its easy and have good examples on what I learned here...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
Easy to follow along with and provides challenge in my every day life. The challenge keeps me wanting to learn day after day...
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning…
Codefinity is a comprehensive learning tool to help you develop your skills as a software engineer or data scientist. The exercises are fun and a good way to sharpen your skills...
First time learning how to code
First time learning how to code and successfully doing so with codefinity - thank you...
Adrien Morel
Well designed for total beginners
Well designed for total beginners, incremental progress and makes me feel confident....
it's simply perfectly well explained
it's simply perfectly well explained! so far I have not experienced any difficulty because everything is so well managed...
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Learning tracks
Only for Ultimate
1 Course
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Only for Ultimate
Become a React Developer
5 Courses
119 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Python Data Analysis and Visualization
5 Courses
134 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
SQL from Zero to Hero
4 Courses
115 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
С++ for Beginners
6 Courses
103 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Python from Zero to Hero
6 Courses
176 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Supervised Machine Learning
4 Courses
1 Project
99 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Python: Beyond Intermediate
4 Courses
1 Project
121 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Java Essentials
6 Courses
307 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Game Development with Unity
4 Courses
143 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Become a Django Developer
5 Courses
170 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Flask for Dummies
5 Courses
156 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Frontend Development Foundations
6 Courses
287 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Web Developer from Zero to Hero
6 Courses
227 Tasks
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Preparation for Data Science
8 Courses
2 Projects
176 Tasks
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Deep Learning Odyssey
2 Courses
80 Tasks
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Web Development with C#
7 Courses
293 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
1 Project
0 Task
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Test Track
2 Courses
21 Tasks
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Skilled Python BackEnd Developer
5 Courses
113 Tasks
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Web & Cloud Fundamentals
4 Courses
123 Tasks
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Test Recalculate
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Excel from Zero to Hero
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Data Analyst Foundation
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100 Tasks
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Full-Stack .NET Developer Journey
13 Courses
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Only for Ultimate
Full-Stack .NET Developer Journey
13 Courses
544 Tasks
Only for Ultimate
Test track with rating
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Only for Ultimate
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