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Challenge: Tigers | Loops
Introduction to JavaScript
course content

Course Content

Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

1. Basic Concepts
2. Variables and Data Types
3. Basic Operations
4. Conditional Statements
5. Loops
6. Functions

bookChallenge: Tigers


Implement a for loop that outputs the word "Tiger" exactly 5 times.

let tiger = "___"; ___ (let ___ = 0; i < ___; ___) { console.log(___); };

The output should be:

  1. Begin by assigning the value "Tiger" to the variable tiger.
  2. Utilize the for keyword to create the loop.
  3. Initialize the counter variable i.
  4. Set the range for the counter i to go from 0 to 4 (5 loop iterations: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4).
  5. Include the increment operation (++) for the i counter.
  6. Place the tiger variable inside the console.log() function.
let tiger = "Tiger"; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { console.log(tiger); };

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Section 5. Chapter 5