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Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets
Removing Duplicates
In this chapter we will cover the topic Removing Duplicates. This tool is used to find and remove duplicate entries, which is especially useful when working with data that contains duplicate rows or values.
Deleting Duplicates
- Select the range of data:
- Highlight the area of the table where you want to remove duplicates;
- Go to Data → Data cleanup → Remove duplicates;
- Check the box for Data has header row;
- Set the parameters:
- Make sure all the columns you want to check for duplicates are selected;
- Click Remove duplicates.
The tool checks for matching values across all selected columns by row to identify duplicate records.
Example of Use
Open our employee data table.
Removing duplicate records by Employee ID and Name:
- Select the entire data range:
- Go to Data → Data cleanup → Remove duplicates;
- Click Remove duplicates.
The duplicate rows for employees with Employee ID2 and ID2 in rows 3 and 6 are removed, as they contained duplicate records in all columns.
Why Rows 2 and 4 Were Not Removed
Rows 2 and 4 contain unique data combinations, despite having the same values in the Name, Department, Salary columns. While the values in row 2 match those in row 4, the Employee ID is different. Since they do not match completely, they were not removed as duplicates.
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