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Recap | Conditional Statements
Introduction to Python Video Course
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Introduction to Python Video Course

Introduction to Python Video Course

1. Getting Started
2. Variables and Types
3. Conditional Statements
4. Other Data Types
5. Loops
6. Functions


Congratulations on completing this exciting section of our Python course!

You've developed a strong understanding of controlling the logic flow within your programs using various Python constructs.

Let's review the key concepts you've mastered:

Boolean Data Types and Comparisons

You've learned to use comparison operators to evaluate conditions in Python. These operators help you check relationships between values and include the following:

  • Equal to: ==;
  • Not equal to: !=;
  • Greater than: >;
  • Less than: <;
  • Greater than or equal to: >=;
  • Less than or equal to: <=.
item_price = 20 discount_price = 15 print(item_price > discount_price) # `True` print(item_price == discount_price) # `False`

Combining Conditions

You've mastered the art of combining multiple conditions using logical operators to make more complex decisions:

  • and: Evaluates to True if both conditions are True;
  • or: Evaluates to True if at least one condition is True;
  • not: Reverses the logical state of its operand.
stock_level = 50 on_sale = True print(stock_level > 30 and on_sale) # `True`

Membership Operators and Type Comparisons

We've explored how to use membership operators to check for the presence or absence of an element within a sequence and how to use the type() function to confirm the data type of a variable:

  • Membership operators like in and not in.
  • Comparing types by using type().
products = "milk, eggs, cheese" print('milk' in products) # True item_type = 20.0 print(type(item_type) == float) # True

Conditional Expressions

You've learned how to use if, else, and elif statements to execute different code blocks based on various conditions. This foundational skill is crucial for writing dynamic and responsive Python programs:

temperature = 75 if temperature > 80: print("It's too hot!") elif temperature < 60: print("It's too cold!") else: print("It's just right!")
1. Which operator is used to check if two values are NOT equal in Python?
2. What will the following print statement return?
3. How do you check if the substring `"apple"` is in the string assigned to `fruits`?
4. Which line of code correctly checks the data type of `item_price` to see if it is a `float`?
5. What output will the following Python code produce?

Which operator is used to check if two values are NOT equal in Python?

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What will the following print statement return?

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How do you check if the substring "apple" is in the string assigned to fruits?

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Which line of code correctly checks the data type of item_price to see if it is a float?

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What output will the following Python code produce?

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Sección 3. Capítulo 7
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