Blender Essentials
Blender Essentials
Introduction to Boolean Operations
Boolean operations are used to create complex objects and geometry using Operations like the Difference, Union, Intersect and ‘Slice(particular to the Bool Tool) shapes in Blender. This chapter will explore using the Boolean modifier and the Bool-tool addon for more advanced modeling.
Using the Boolean Modifier
Add the boolean modifier from the modifiers menu to the object that will be affected.
Then add another object that will serve as the profile object, or the ‘influencer’. Use the eyedropper under the boolean modifier to select this second object Select what operation you want to perform
the modifier once you’re okay with the results’.
Using the Bool-tool Addon
The booltool addon is similar to the boolean modifier but has better visual handling for complex boolean operations.
Set up the addon by searching for it in preferences and checking it.
Open the Properties sidebar using ‘N’ or press ‘Ctrl Shift B’ for the booltool window.
The booltool addon is found under the Edit
tab in the sidebar.
There are two categories: Auto boolean and brush boolean.
Auto boolean works like the boolean modifier, but instantly causes a permanent change and loses control to edit the geometry any further.
The brush boolean is better, allowing you to change the position, shape, and add geometry to the influencer object.
When used, the Brush boolean becomes a modifier that can be applied for a permanent effect or hidden if not needed. It’s not to be confused with the Boolean Modifier.
Example Modeling with the Bool-tool Addon
Add two objects, perhaps a cube. The affected cube will be the ‘Influenced’ object, while the profile object that makes the shape will be the ‘influencer’ object.
Edit the object however you want , scale it, and position it within the main cube. Use the brush boolean to perform the difference operation.
Select the box outline and go into edit mode to edit the form of the influencer object.
Changes to the influencer object affect the main object.
Apply the bool tool modifier to make the change permanent and continue editing the new geometry as usual.
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