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componentDidMount() | Lifecycle Methods
React Tutorial
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Course Content

React Tutorial

React Tutorial

1. Getting Started
2. Lifecycle Methods
3. Functional Components and Hooks
4. Advanced Topics


The componentDidMount() lifecycle method is a hook in React that is called immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree). This is the appropriate place to trigger an API call or perform any setup that requires the DOM to be fully rendered.

Here is an example of using componentDidMount() to make an API call and set the component's state with the response data:

In this example, the fetch function is called in the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to retrieve data from an API. The then method is called on the resulting promise, and the resolved value (the API response) is passed to setState, which updates the component's state and causes the component to re-render with the new data.

It's important to note that componentDidMount() is called only once, immediately after the component is mounted. If you need to trigger an update to a component based on a prop or state change, you should use another lifecycle method such as componentDidUpdate().

There are a few things to keep in mind when using the componentDidMount() lifecycle method in React:

  • componentDidMount() is the ideal place to initiate API calls or other asynchronous processes that need to happen once the component is mounted. Make sure to handle any errors that may occur during these processes, and to cancel any in-progress requests if the component unmounts before they are completed (for example, if the user navigates to a different page).
  • If you are making API calls or otherwise interacting with external data in componentDidMount(), make sure to consider the possibility that the data may not be available immediately. You may need to display a loading indicator or placeholder content while the data is being fetched.
  • Don't confuse componentDidMount() with the constructor() method, which is called before the component is mounted. The constructor() method is a good place to set up the initial state of the component, but it is not the best place to perform API calls or other asynchronous processes.

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