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componentDidUpdate() | Lifecycle Methods
React Tutorial
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Course Content

React Tutorial

React Tutorial

1. Getting Started
2. Lifecycle Methods
3. Functional Components and Hooks
4. Advanced Topics


componentDidUpdate() is a lifecycle method in React that is called immediately after a component's updates are made to the DOM. It receives two arguments: prevProps and prevState, which are the previous values of the component's props and state, respectively.

Here is a complete example of a React component using the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method:

In this example, the MyComponent component has a state called data, which is an array of items. When the id prop changes, the fetchData function is called to retrieve new data and update the state. The componentDidUpdate method is used to check for changes to the id prop and trigger the data fetch if necessary.

The componentDidUpdate method is called after the component's updates are made to the DOM, so the updated data will be reflected in the rendered output.

Another use case for componentDidUpdate might be to send a network request after a form has been submitted, or to update the title of the document based on the contents of the component.

There are a few important nuances to be aware of when working with the componentDidUpdate method:

  • componentDidUpdate is called every time the component updates, not just when the props or state changes. This means that if you are using shouldComponentUpdate to optimize performance, you will need to be careful to check for changes to the relevant props or state before performing any updates.
  • componentDidUpdate is called after the component's updates are made to the DOM, so any DOM manipulation or updates that you perform in this method will trigger a second rendering of the component. This can lead to performance issues if you are not careful.
  • componentDidUpdate is called after the render method, so the component will already have the updated props and state when this method is called. This means that you cannot use this.props or this.state to get the updated values in this method. Instead, you will need to use the prevProps and prevState arguments.
  • componentDidUpdate is not called on the initial render of a component. If you need to perform an action after the initial render, you can use the componentDidMount method instead.

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