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Combining Conditions | Conditional Statements
Introduction to Python

Combining ConditionsCombining Conditions

In Boolean logic, two fundamental operators are OR and AND. What do they represent?

The OR operator checks if either of the conditions is true and returns True if so; otherwise, it returns False.

The AND operator ensures both conditions are true before returning True. If not, it returns False. In Python, to combine conditions, use the and & or operators (always in lowercase).

For example:

  • condition1 and condition2 yields True only when both conditions are True;
  • condition1 or condition2 gives True if at least one condition is True.


You can also chain more than two conditions using these operators. Employ parentheses to clarify the order of operations.

As an illustration, consider these conditions:

  1. Whether 2 exceeds 1 and if "bbb" isn't the same as "aaa";
  2. If the character with index 2 in the string "my string" is either "y" or "s".
Code Description
In the first line of code 2 > 1 and "bbb" != "aaa" contains two conditions, connected by the and operator. The first condition 2 > 1 is true, as 2 is greater than 1. The second condition "bbb" != "aaa" is also true, because the strings "bbb" and "aaa" are not equal. Since both conditions are true and connected through and, the entire expression is evaluated as true.

In the second line "my string"[2] == "y" or "my string"[2] == "s" checks two conditions, connected by the or operator. The expression "my string"[2] refers to the third character of the string "my string", which is " ". The first condition "my string"[2] == "y" is false. The second condition "my string"[2] == "s" is also false. Therefore, since both conditions are false and they are connected through or, the overall expression is evaluated as false.

How should we interpret the outcomes? The initial print() issues a True response since both 2 > 1 and "bbb" != "aaa" hold true. The following print() yields False because the character at index 2 is neither 'y' nor 's' (it's actually a space).


If you wish to reverse a boolean value, employ the not operator. For instance, not 1 == 1 results in False because 1 == 1 is True, and we've negated that to False.

What output does the subsequent code produce?

Select the correct answer

Code Description
print(0 > 10 and 5 > 2): Outputs False, because although 5 > 2 is true, 0 > 10 is false. The and operator requires both conditions to be true, but since one of them is false, the whole expression is false.

print(2*2 == 5 or 1+1 != 3): Outputs True, because 2*2 == 5 is false, but 1+1 != 3 is true. The or operator requires at least one of the conditions to be true for the whole expression to be true.

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Section 3. Chapter 3
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Course Content

Introduction to Python

Combining ConditionsCombining Conditions

In Boolean logic, two fundamental operators are OR and AND. What do they represent?

The OR operator checks if either of the conditions is true and returns True if so; otherwise, it returns False.

The AND operator ensures both conditions are true before returning True. If not, it returns False. In Python, to combine conditions, use the and & or operators (always in lowercase).

For example:

  • condition1 and condition2 yields True only when both conditions are True;
  • condition1 or condition2 gives True if at least one condition is True.


You can also chain more than two conditions using these operators. Employ parentheses to clarify the order of operations.

As an illustration, consider these conditions:

  1. Whether 2 exceeds 1 and if "bbb" isn't the same as "aaa";
  2. If the character with index 2 in the string "my string" is either "y" or "s".
Code Description
In the first line of code 2 > 1 and "bbb" != "aaa" contains two conditions, connected by the and operator. The first condition 2 > 1 is true, as 2 is greater than 1. The second condition "bbb" != "aaa" is also true, because the strings "bbb" and "aaa" are not equal. Since both conditions are true and connected through and, the entire expression is evaluated as true.

In the second line "my string"[2] == "y" or "my string"[2] == "s" checks two conditions, connected by the or operator. The expression "my string"[2] refers to the third character of the string "my string", which is " ". The first condition "my string"[2] == "y" is false. The second condition "my string"[2] == "s" is also false. Therefore, since both conditions are false and they are connected through or, the overall expression is evaluated as false.

How should we interpret the outcomes? The initial print() issues a True response since both 2 > 1 and "bbb" != "aaa" hold true. The following print() yields False because the character at index 2 is neither 'y' nor 's' (it's actually a space).


If you wish to reverse a boolean value, employ the not operator. For instance, not 1 == 1 results in False because 1 == 1 is True, and we've negated that to False.

What output does the subsequent code produce?

Select the correct answer

Code Description
print(0 > 10 and 5 > 2): Outputs False, because although 5 > 2 is true, 0 > 10 is false. The and operator requires both conditions to be true, but since one of them is false, the whole expression is false.

print(2*2 == 5 or 1+1 != 3): Outputs True, because 2*2 == 5 is false, but 1+1 != 3 is true. The or operator requires at least one of the conditions to be true for the whole expression to be true.

Everything was clear?

Section 3. Chapter 3