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List Methods | Other Data Types
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python

List MethodsList Methods

Let's explore some basic techniques to work with lists:

  • len(t) - returns the length of list t, or in other words, the number of items it contains;
  • list1 + list2 - combines two lists (both must be lists);
  • t * n - creates n duplicates of list t;
  • t.append(x) - adds a single item x to the end of list t (this alters the original list);
  • t.extend([x, y, ...]) - appends elements x, y, ... to the end of list t (this also modifies the original list);
  • t.copy() - produces a duplicate of the list t;
  • t.count(x) - tallies the number of occurrences of x in list t.

As an example, let's enhance the list from our last discussion by adding more details, such as the capital city and the total number of states:


Keep in mind that the .extend() method needs an iterable object as its argument. In our case, we're using another list as the iterable.

An iterable object in Python is an object that can be iterated over, meaning you can traverse through all its elements in a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or string.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 2
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python

List MethodsList Methods

Let's explore some basic techniques to work with lists:

  • len(t) - returns the length of list t, or in other words, the number of items it contains;
  • list1 + list2 - combines two lists (both must be lists);
  • t * n - creates n duplicates of list t;
  • t.append(x) - adds a single item x to the end of list t (this alters the original list);
  • t.extend([x, y, ...]) - appends elements x, y, ... to the end of list t (this also modifies the original list);
  • t.copy() - produces a duplicate of the list t;
  • t.count(x) - tallies the number of occurrences of x in list t.

As an example, let's enhance the list from our last discussion by adding more details, such as the capital city and the total number of states:


Keep in mind that the .extend() method needs an iterable object as its argument. In our case, we're using another list as the iterable.

An iterable object in Python is an object that can be iterated over, meaning you can traverse through all its elements in a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or string.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 2