Conteúdo do Curso
Introduction to SQL
Introduction to SQL
2. Filtering Data
The WHERE ClauseChallenge: Help a Reader Find Their Favorite GenreChallenge: Fetching Older BooksConditional Expressions: Comparison OperatorsChallenge: Avoid the Damaged BooksChallenge: Highlight New ArrivalsChallenge: Budget-Friendly BooksConditional Expressions: The AND OperatorChallenge: Find Specific Books for a ReaderChallenge: Defining RangesChallenge: Multiple ConditionsConditional Expressions: The OR OperatorChallenge: Matching Multiple OptionsChallenge: Excluding A RangeConditional Expressions: The NOT OperatorChallenge: Negating a Range
3. Sorting Data
Basic SortingChallenge: Sorting the Library CatalogueSorting by Multiple ColumnsChallenge: Further Sorting the CatalogueSorting after Filtering DataChallenge: Find the Cheapest BooksChallenge: Help a Customer Find a BookThe LIMIT KeywordChallenge: Select Books for the Collector's SectionChallenge: Affordable Books
4. Populating a Database
Creating a TableChallenge: Creating a new Books TableInserting Rows into a TableChallenge: Inserting DataChallenge: Inserting More DataInserting Multiple RowsChallenge: Inserting Bulk DataPrimary KeysThe SERIAL KeywordChallenge: Changing the Books StructureSpecifying Default ValuesChallenge: Further Improving the Books Table
5. Updating & Deleting Data
Deleting Tables
Sometimes we need to delete tables that are no longer useful or need to be replaced. We can do that using the DROP
Following is the syntax of the DROP
Example: Dropping the Students Table
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Seção 5. Capítulo 10