Contenu du cours
Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets
2. Formatting of Cells and Ranges
Working with Roots and Powers
The SQRT function calculates the square root of a number. It returns a positive value that, when squared, equals the original number. This function is useful for geometric calculations, speed or acceleration measurements, and other mathematical operations involving squares and roots.
Calculating Powers
The POWER function raises a number to a specified exponent. This is useful for calculations involving progressions, scaling, compound interest, and any operations requiring exponentiation.
Task: Understanding SQRT and POWER Functions
You have the following formulas in your spreadsheet:
A | Formula | Expected Result |
25 | =SQRT(A1) | ? |
2 | =POWER(A2, 3) | ? |
-8 | =POWER(A3, 1/3) | ? |
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Section 6. Chapitre 6