Contenu du cours
Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets
2. Formatting of Cells and Ranges
Random Number Generation
Rand Function
The RAND function generates a random number with decimal places in the range from 0 to 1 (exclusive). It is used for random data selection, generating random coefficients in modeling, and analysis. For example, when creating samples for statistics or simulating probabilistic processes.
Generating Random Numbers in a Range
The RANDBETWEEN function generates a random integer within the specified range, including the boundaries. It is used for generating random dates, numerical identifiers, or creating test data. It can also be used for selecting random contest participants, random questions in surveys, and more.
Task: Understanding RAND and RANDBETWEEN Functions
You have the following formulas in your spreadsheet:
A | Formula | Expected Result |
=RAND() | ? | |
=RANDBETWEEN(10, 50) | ? | |
=RANDBETWEEN(DATE(2020,1,1), DATE(2025,12,31)) | ? |
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Section 6. Chapitre 7