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constructor() | Getting Started
React Tutorial
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React Tutorial


In React, a component's constructor function is a special method that is called when the component is first created. The constructor is typically used to initialize the component's state, bind event handlers, and perform any other setup that is needed before the component is rendered to the screen.

Here is an example of a simple constructor function for a React component:

In this example, the MyComponent class extends the React.Component class and defines a constructor function that accepts a props argument. This argument represents the props (or properties) that are passed to the component when it is rendered. The first thing the constructor does is call the super(props) method, which invokes the constructor of the React.Component class and passes along the props argument.

Next, the constructor sets the initial state of the component by creating a state object and setting its someData property to the string 'Hello, world!'. This state will be used to render the component to the screen. The render() method simply returns a div element that contains the value of this.state.someData.

When the component is rendered, it will look like this:

In this simple example, the constructor is used to initialize the component's state. In a real-world app, the constructor might also be used to bind event handlers or perform other setup tasks that are needed before the component is rendered.

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