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Lernen Text Functions | Basic Functions
Google Spreadsheets
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Google Spreadsheets

Google Spreadsheets

1. Introduction to Google Sheets
2. Formatting of Cells and Ranges
3. Advanced Formatting of Cells
4. Sorting, Filtering and Cleaning Data
5. Creating Charts
6. Basic Functions
7. Logical Functions
8. Collaboration and Security

Text Functions

In this chapter we will explore Text Functions. Functions for working with text allow you to manipulate strings of data: measuring the length of text, replacing parts of a string, combining multiple strings, and splitting text by a given delimiter. In this section, we will look at four key functions: LEN, SUBSTITUTE, CONCAT, and SPLIT.

Calculating Length

The LEN function returns the number of characters in a string, including spaces. This function is useful for analyzing the length of textual data, such as when checking whether entered text meets a character limit.

Substituting Text

The SUBSTITUTE function replaces all or some occurrences of a part of a string with another text. It is useful for correcting typos or replacing data, such as replacing outdated values with current ones.

Concatenating Text

The CONCATENATE function combines two texts or strings into one. This is useful for joining data from different cells, such as last names and first names, or other pieces of information.

Splitting Text

The SPLIT function divides a string into multiple parts using a specified delimiter. This is useful for breaking down data, such as a list of words, dates, or complete sentences.

Task: Working with LEN, SUBSTITUTE, CONCATENATE, and SPLIT Functions

You have the following spreadsheet formulas:

AFormulaExpected Result
banana=SUBSTITUTE(A2, "a", "o", 2)?
Code=CONCATENATE(A3, " ", "Master")?
Apple;Orange;Banana=SPLIT(A4, ";")?
Which of the following answer choices correctly fills in the expected results?

Which of the following answer choices correctly fills in the expected results?

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