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Lernen Challenge: Conditionals and Logic | Kotlin Basics
Android Development with Kotlin
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Android Development with Kotlin

Android Development with Kotlin

1. Kotlin Basics
2. Control Flow and Collections
3. Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

Challenge: Conditionals and Logic

Let's practice using conditionals and logic in Kotlin!

In this task, you need to determine the type of a variable and write conditional statements to print different messages based on the variable's value. You will be provided with a variable score. Depending on the value of score, you will print:

  • "Excellent" if score is greater than or equal to 90
  • "Good" if score is between 75 and 89
  • "Average" if score is between 50 and 74
  • "Poor" if score is less than 50

First, declare the score variable and assign it a value. Then, use conditional statements to print the appropriate message to the console.



fun main() { var score: Int = ___ // Use if-else statements to print the appropriate message based on the score if (___) { println("Excellent") } else if (___) { println("Good") } else if (___) { println("Average") } else { println("Poor") } }
  1. Assign a value to the score variable.
  2. Complete the conditions in the if-else statements to check the value of score.
  3. Print the appropriate message based on the value of score.
fun main() { var score: Int = 85 // Use if-else statements to print the appropriate message based on the score if (score >= 90) { println("Excellent") } else if (score >= 75) { println("Good") } else if (score >= 50) { println("Average") } else { println("Poor") } }

Run the code to test different values of score and see the different messages printed to the console!

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