Android Development with Kotlin
Android Development with Kotlin
Data Classes
In Kotlin, there are not only regular classes but also a structure known as data classes.
Data classes are a special type of class designed for storing data. They simplify the creation of classes that primarily contain properties and don't have complex logic.
Data classes differ from regular classes in their usage and application.
Let’s look at an illustration that highlights the main differences:
Key Features
Let’s talk a bit about the key features of data classes to better understand their use.
Automatically Generated Methods
: Compares two objects for equality based on the values of their properties;hashCode()
: Generates a hash code for the object based on its properties;toString()
: Creates a string representation of the object in the format -ClassName(property1=value1, property2=value2, ...)
: Creates a copy of the object with the option to modify some properties.
Declaration Syntax
The declaration of a data class begins with the data
keyword, followed by the class name and constructor parameters.
For example:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
Data classes support destructuring, which allows you to extract the values of properties into variables.
val person = Person("Alice", 25) val (name, age) = person println("Name: $name, Age: $age") // Output: Name: Alice, Age: 25
Let's take a closer look at destructuring.
Destructuring in Kotlin is the process of unpacking an object into individual variables. It allows you to quickly extract values from an object, especially from data classes.
For example, let’s consider another example of destructuring:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int, val city: String) fun main() { val person = Person("John", 30, "New York") val (name, age, city) = person println("Name: $name, Age: $age, City: $city") }
Here, the person
object is broken down into the variables name
, age
, and city
, which are then used separately.
It can be concluded that data classes are very convenient for storing data, which is why they are called data classes.
Let's look at a couple of examples to reinforce and better understand the material:
data class Book(val title: String, val author: String, val year: Int) fun main() { val book1 = Book("1984", "George Orwell", 1949) val book2 = Book("1984", "George Orwell", 1949) println(book1) // Output: Book(title=1984, author=George Orwell, year=1949) println(book1 == book2) // Output: true val book3 = book1.copy(year = 1950) println(book3) // Output: Book(title=1984, author=George Orwell, year=1950) val (title, author, year) = book1 println("Title: $title, Author: $author, Year: $year") // Output: Title: 1984, Author: George Orwell, Year: 1949 }
In the code above, the following actions are performed:
- Objects
, andbook3
are created, withbook3
being copied with a change in the year; - The comparison between
shows that they are equal in content; - The destructuring of
breaks it down into the variablestitle
, andyear
, which are then printed separately.
Let's now imagine that we have a data class to describe a user
and another class to describe an address
We can use them together:
data class Address(val street: String, val city: String, val zipCode: String) data class User(val name: String, val age: Int, val address: Address) fun main() { val address = Address("221B Baker Street", "London", "NW1 6XE") val user = User("Sherlock Holmes", 40, address) val updatedUser = user.copy(address = address.copy(city = "New York")) println(updatedUser) // Output: User(name=Sherlock Holmes, age=40, address=Address(street=221B Baker Street, city=New York, zipCode=NW1 6XE)) }
This way, we can manipulate data and create classes for storing specific information.
Data classes are an excellent choice when you need to create a class primarily for storing data and don't require complex logic.
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