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Logout Functionality | Authentication
Next.js 14

Logout FunctionalityLogout Functionality

The final feature we need to develop is logging out.

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To implement the logout feature within the <SideNav /> component, invoke the signOut function from auth.ts within your <form> element:


Test it using the following credentials:

  • mail:;
  • password: 123456.

In Practice

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Section 7. Chapter 8
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Next.js 14

Logout FunctionalityLogout Functionality

The final feature we need to develop is logging out.

Back to the Project

To implement the logout feature within the <SideNav /> component, invoke the signOut function from auth.ts within your <form> element:


Test it using the following credentials:

  • mail:;
  • password: 123456.

In Practice

Everything was clear?

Section 7. Chapter 8