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void | Other Data Types and Concepts
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C++ Data Types


The void data type plays a unique role. Unlike other fundamental data types such as int, float, and char, void is used to indicate the absence of a specific type. It is often used in function declarations and pointers.

Void as a Function Return Type

When a function does not return a value, its return type is specified as void. For example.



In this example, the print function does not return anything. It simply prints the specified message to the console. But we get an error when we try to run the code.

This is because the function always has to return something when it is finished. Even if you return.


Change the return type of the function fromint to void.

Void as a Pointer

Void pointers (void*) are pointers that do not have a specific data type associated with them. They can point to any type of object, but you must cast them to the appropriate type before using them. For example:



In this example, ptr is a void pointer that points to an integer (num). We then cast ptr to an int* pointer to access and print the value of num.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 3
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Course Content

C++ Data Types


The void data type plays a unique role. Unlike other fundamental data types such as int, float, and char, void is used to indicate the absence of a specific type. It is often used in function declarations and pointers.

Void as a Function Return Type

When a function does not return a value, its return type is specified as void. For example.



In this example, the print function does not return anything. It simply prints the specified message to the console. But we get an error when we try to run the code.

This is because the function always has to return something when it is finished. Even if you return.


Change the return type of the function fromint to void.

Void as a Pointer

Void pointers (void*) are pointers that do not have a specific data type associated with them. They can point to any type of object, but you must cast them to the appropriate type before using them. For example:



In this example, ptr is a void pointer that points to an integer (num). We then cast ptr to an int* pointer to access and print the value of num.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 3