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Working With String | Text Data Type
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Course Content

C++ Data Types

Working With StringWorking With String


As you saw in the previous chapter, we cannot add new characters to the end of a string using indexing. But C++ has a neat .append() method for that. Here is the syntax:


Another way to do it is by using the + operator.
It performs concatenation when applied to strings. Here is an example:



It also allows adding text to the beginning or to both ends, which .append() is incapable of.




You can also insert new text to a string at a desired position.
Here is the syntax:

Where pos is an index, before which, new text is inserted.

Here is a gif of how insertion works:


You can also replace a part of a string with a different string.
This is achievable using the .replace() method. Here is the syntax:

Here start means the index of the first element to replace, and n stands for the length of a part to replace.

The following is a gif of how .replace() works.


You can also erase part of a string. Here is the syntax:

start and n parameters have the same meaning as in the .replace() method.

In this chapter, you learned

Method Description
.append(str2) Adds new characters to the end of a string
+ operator Concatenates strings
insert(pos, str2) Inserts new characters at a given position
replace(start, n, str2) Replaces part of a string with new characters
erase(start, n) Erases part of a string

Here is an example of using all of the methods.



Everything was clear?

Section 3. Chapter 4
course content

Course Content

C++ Data Types

Working With StringWorking With String


As you saw in the previous chapter, we cannot add new characters to the end of a string using indexing. But C++ has a neat .append() method for that. Here is the syntax:


Another way to do it is by using the + operator.
It performs concatenation when applied to strings. Here is an example:



It also allows adding text to the beginning or to both ends, which .append() is incapable of.




You can also insert new text to a string at a desired position.
Here is the syntax:

Where pos is an index, before which, new text is inserted.

Here is a gif of how insertion works:


You can also replace a part of a string with a different string.
This is achievable using the .replace() method. Here is the syntax:

Here start means the index of the first element to replace, and n stands for the length of a part to replace.

The following is a gif of how .replace() works.


You can also erase part of a string. Here is the syntax:

start and n parameters have the same meaning as in the .replace() method.

In this chapter, you learned

Method Description
.append(str2) Adds new characters to the end of a string
+ operator Concatenates strings
insert(pos, str2) Inserts new characters at a given position
replace(start, n, str2) Replaces part of a string with new characters
erase(start, n) Erases part of a string

Here is an example of using all of the methods.



Everything was clear?

Section 3. Chapter 4