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Understanding RESTful APIs | What is the Rest API ?
Django REST Framework

Understanding RESTful APIsUnderstanding RESTful APIs

Before taking this course, I recommend completing the previous course on Django:

- Django: Build Your First Website;


When you use the internet, you're constantly communicating with different web servers. When you request something from a website (like clicking a link), your browser sends a request to the server where that site is stored, and the server sends a response back to you. RESTful API is one way these servers and clients (like your browser) communicate with each other.

Django REST Framework (DRF) is a library for Django that enables the quick and convenient creation of RESTful APIs. DRF simplifies API development by automating many common tasks and provides flexibility for more complex scenarios.

What Does RESTful Mean?

  • REST: It stands for "Representational State Transfer." It simply means that the information on a server (like a web page or a photo) is presented in a format that's easy to read both for humans and computers;
  • API: It stands for "Application Programming Interface." It's a set of rules and instructions that allow different programs to communicate with each other.

How Does It Work?

  • Requests and Responses: Imagine you're ordering food in a restaurant. You (the client) make a request (place an order), and the waiter (the API) takes your order to the chef (the server). When your food is ready, the waiter brings it back to you. In the world of RESTful APIs, your requests for information and the server's responses work in a similar way;
  • Internet Addresses (URLs): Each resource (like a web page or an image) on a server has its own unique address, just like home addresses. This makes it easy to locate and access a specific resource.

RESTful APIs are a key tool in modern web development, enabling different programs and services to communicate with each other efficiently. Its simplicity and universality make it an important choice for developers worldwide.

Why use Django REST Framework?

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Section 1. Chapter 1
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Django REST Framework

Understanding RESTful APIsUnderstanding RESTful APIs

Before taking this course, I recommend completing the previous course on Django:

- Django: Build Your First Website;


When you use the internet, you're constantly communicating with different web servers. When you request something from a website (like clicking a link), your browser sends a request to the server where that site is stored, and the server sends a response back to you. RESTful API is one way these servers and clients (like your browser) communicate with each other.

Django REST Framework (DRF) is a library for Django that enables the quick and convenient creation of RESTful APIs. DRF simplifies API development by automating many common tasks and provides flexibility for more complex scenarios.

What Does RESTful Mean?

  • REST: It stands for "Representational State Transfer." It simply means that the information on a server (like a web page or a photo) is presented in a format that's easy to read both for humans and computers;
  • API: It stands for "Application Programming Interface." It's a set of rules and instructions that allow different programs to communicate with each other.

How Does It Work?

  • Requests and Responses: Imagine you're ordering food in a restaurant. You (the client) make a request (place an order), and the waiter (the API) takes your order to the chef (the server). When your food is ready, the waiter brings it back to you. In the world of RESTful APIs, your requests for information and the server's responses work in a similar way;
  • Internet Addresses (URLs): Each resource (like a web page or an image) on a server has its own unique address, just like home addresses. This makes it easy to locate and access a specific resource.

RESTful APIs are a key tool in modern web development, enabling different programs and services to communicate with each other efficiently. Its simplicity and universality make it an important choice for developers worldwide.

Why use Django REST Framework?

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Section 1. Chapter 1