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PUT and DELETE Methods | HTTP Request Methods
Django REST Framework

PUT and DELETE MethodsPUT and DELETE Methods

The HTTP method PUT is used to modify or update an existing resource on the server. A PUT request sends data that should be saved or updated on the server, identifying the resource to update by its unique identifier (typically the resource ID or URL).

The HTTP method DELETE is used for removing a resource from the server. When a client application (such as a web browser or a mobile app) sends a DELETE request to the server, it signifies that the client wants to delete a specific object or resource from the server's database.

1. What is the primary purpose of the HTTP method PUT in an API?
2. When does a client typically send a DELETE request to the server in the context of an API?

What is the primary purpose of the HTTP method PUT in an API?

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When does a client typically send a DELETE request to the server in the context of an API?

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Section 4. Chapter 2
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Django REST Framework

PUT and DELETE MethodsPUT and DELETE Methods

The HTTP method PUT is used to modify or update an existing resource on the server. A PUT request sends data that should be saved or updated on the server, identifying the resource to update by its unique identifier (typically the resource ID or URL).

The HTTP method DELETE is used for removing a resource from the server. When a client application (such as a web browser or a mobile app) sends a DELETE request to the server, it signifies that the client wants to delete a specific object or resource from the server's database.

1. What is the primary purpose of the HTTP method PUT in an API?
2. When does a client typically send a DELETE request to the server in the context of an API?

What is the primary purpose of the HTTP method PUT in an API?

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When does a client typically send a DELETE request to the server in the context of an API?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 2