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How Are References Different From Pointers? | References
C++ Smart Pointers
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C++ Smart Pointers

C++ Smart Pointers

1. Introduction to Smart Pointers
2. Unique Pointers
3. Shared Pointers
4. Weak Pointers
5. References
6. Advanced topics

How Are References Different From Pointers?

Understanding references

In the first section, we saw that references are aliases for existing variables. The main thing they do is provide an alternative syntax for accessing the value of an object. If we look under the hood, the memory address of a reference is the same as the memory address of the referenced object.



If you run the above code, you will see that both the variable num and the reference refNum will have the same values, and the same memory addresses.

A reference is essentially a constant pointer

Another way to think about it is that a reference is essentially a constant pointer. A constant pointer is a pointer that can’t be reassigned to a different dynamic object after initialization. However, a constant pointer has to be dereferenced to get the value of the dynamic object. With references, you don’t have to dereference because you can access the value directly. Let’s consider an example for more clarity:



In the above code, we are demonstrating many things. First, we are creating a constant pointer and a reference. Then, we show that neither of them can be reassigned. Finally, we print their values: For the constant pointer we have to use * for dereferencing, but the reference can be accessed directly. Play around with the code to learn more, while following the comments!

Setting to NULLCan be set to NULLCannot be set to NULL
Address in memoryHas its own address in memoryDoes not have its own address in memory
InitializationCan be left uninitializedMust be initialized or causes compiler error
Pointer to another pointerPossibleNot possible
Array creationArray of pointers can be createdArray of references cannot be created
Accessing class/struct membersUse -> to access membersUse . to access members

What address do references hold in memory?

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