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The final data preparation | Is the mushroom poisonous?
Is the mushroom poisonous?
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Is the mushroom poisonous?

bookThe final data preparation


  1. Create numpy array X from dataframe to_concantenate values using method values of Pandas DataFrame.
  2. Create numpy array y from indexes of dataframe to_concantenate using method index and then method values on Pandas DataFrame. Method index returns an array of indexes of the dataframe.
  3. For every values in y change letter 'p'(poisonous) to 0 and 'e'(edible) to 1.

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  1. Create numpy array X from dataframe to_concantenate values using method values of Pandas DataFrame.
  2. Create numpy array y from indexes of dataframe to_concantenate using method index and then method values on Pandas DataFrame. Method index returns an array of indexes of the dataframe.
  3. For every values in y change letter 'p'(poisonous) to 0 and 'e'(edible) to 1.

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Секція 1. Розділ 2