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Functions | Introduction to Jupyter notebook: R
Introduction to Jupyter notebook: R
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Introduction to Jupyter notebook: R


In the same way as with variables, you can declare your own functions and then use them in the notebook.


  1. Declare the function sec_to_hour which will convert seconds into hours.
  2. Check the function operability with the variable you declared before.

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In the same way as with variables, you can declare your own functions and then use them in the notebook.


  1. Declare the function sec_to_hour which will convert seconds into hours.
  2. Check the function operability with the variable you declared before.

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Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів
Секція 1. Розділ 3