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Explicit Type Conversion | Other Data Types and Concepts
C++ Data Types
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

C++ Data Types

C++ Data Types

1. Introduction
2. Numerical Data Types
3. Text Data Type
4. Other Data Types and Concepts

bookExplicit Type Conversion

If you are dealing with variables of type int, rather than just numbers in code, you need to convert the value of a variable to double or float. This can be accomplished using the following syntax:



#include <iostream> int main() { int num1 = 9; int num2 = 4; std::cout << "No conversion: " << num1 / num2 << std::endl; std::cout << "With conversion: " << (double)num1 / num2 << std::endl; }

There are several ways to explicitly perform type conversion in C++. The previous one is called C-style conversion:



#include <iostream> int main() { float num = 6.5; std::cout << (int)num << std::endl; // 6.5 to `int` is 6 std::cout << (bool)num << std::endl; // 6.5 to `bool` is true }

There are also 4 type casting operators:

Most of the time, you only need a static_conversion. We will not discuss other casts in-depth. Here is the syntax:

And here is an example:



#include <iostream> int main() { float num = 6.5; std::cout << static_cast<int>(num) << std::endl; // 6.5 to `int` is 6 std::cout << static_cast<bool>(num) << std::endl; // 6.5 to `bool` is true }

We will not cover the difference between all of those. In general, static_cast is preferable since it is more restrictive and can prevent some unexpected behavior with complex data types.

Select all the correct ways of performing type conversion.

Select all the correct ways of performing type conversion.

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Seção 4. Capítulo 7