Contenido del Curso
Test UI Features
Test UI Features
3. Image Tools
6. Text Boxes
NoteStudy MoreDefinition Text BlockChatGPT Prompt Input - OutputQuote Text BoxFile name headerPrerequisites Box With LinksNested ListSuperscript/SubscriptCopyable Text BoxCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable SQLCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable PythonCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable JavaScriptCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable JavaCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable DartCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable C++Code Block - Highlighted & Copyable CCode Block - Highlighted & Copyable C#
9. Deprecated
+ (deprecated) Hint and Solution Single Block+ (deprecated) TypeScript Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) C# Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) JavaScript Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) Java Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) GO Lang Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) Python Hint/Solution+ (deprecated) Java Hint/Solution with Copyable & Highlighted Code+ (deprecated) Scala Hint/Solution with Copyable & Highlighted Code+ (deprecated) Hint/Video Tutorial+ (deprecated) Hint/Solution/Video Tutorial(deprecated) Interactive Video + (deprecated) Images Slider+ (deprecated) Images Carousel+ (deprecated) Image Magnifier+ (deprecated) Image Carousel & Magnifier+(deprecated) Image Magnifying Glass+ (deprecated) Linked List+ (deprecated) IDE Testing+ (deprecated) CSS Example Practice Test+ (deprecated) Spinning anim+ (deprecated) Temporary Hint/Video Tutorial+ (deprecated) Temporary Hint/Solution/Video Tutorial+ (deprecated) Joke+ (deprecated) Animated border+ (deprecated) Default Custom Table+ (deprecated) Table Action+ (deprecated) Styled Table
Table with the Tooltip
The table cell with a tooltip is structured as follows:
: A wrapperdiv
to organize the main content (Trustpilot Score
) and the tooltip;info-tooltip
: Aspan
that acts as the tooltip trigger. In this example, it is represented by the "ⓘ" symbol;info-tooltip-text
: A nestedspan
containing the tooltip's text. This content is displayed when the user hovers over the trigger.
Source Code
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Sección 7. Capítulo 2