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Introduction to Redux
What is Redux?
Redux is a predictable state container for web apps. It's commonly used with libraries and frameworks like React but can be used with any JavaScript application. Redux helps manage the application's state in a centralized and predictable way, making it easier to develop, test, and maintain the code.
Why use Redux?
There are several benefits to using Redux in the application:
Single source of truth: Redux stores the entire state of the application in a single object called the "store". This makes it easier to understand and explanation about the application's state.
Predictable state changes: Redux follows a strict pattern where state changes are made through pure functions called "reducers". This predictability helps debug and reproduce issues more efficiently.
Easier debugging: Redux includes a time-traveling debugger called Redux DevTools, which allows us to inspect and replay actions to track how the state changes over time.
Core concepts of Redux
To understand Redux fully, we need to grasp its core concepts:
Store: The store is the object that holds the complete state tree of the app. It allows access to the state, dispatches actions to update it, and registers listeners to handle state changes.
Actions: Actions are plain JavaScript objects that intend to change the state. They must have a type property indicating the type of action being performed.
Reducers: Reducers are pure functions that define how the state changes in response to actions. Given the current state and an action, reducers return a new state.
Dispatch: Dispatch is a method the store provides to trigger an action. It is the only way to update the state in Redux.
Selectors: Selectors are functions that extract specific pieces of information from the state. They help in accessing and computing derived data from the state.
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