Software Architecture Fundamentals
Software Architecture Fundamentals
Monolith Architecture
When it comes to designing systems, one of the fundamental architectures you'll encounter is monolith architecture. This architectural style is characterized by a single, unified codebase where all components of the application are interconnected and interdependent.
In a monolithic application, features such as the user interface, business logic, and database access are all packaged together, making it easier to develop and deploy the application as a whole.
Pros and Cons of Monolith Architecture
Here's a table outlining the advantages and disadvantages of using monolithic architecture in the context of an e-commerce platform:
Imagine an e-commerce platform where everything is built as one cohesive unit. In this setup, all features of the online store—like browsing products (UI), managing user accounts, processing orders, and handling payments—are integrated into a single application.
In this monolithic architecture, all these functions work together seamlessly because they are part of the same codebase
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