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Building Multiple Linear Regression | Multiple Linear Regression
Linear Regression for ML
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Course Content

Linear Regression for ML

Linear Regression for ML

1. Simple Linear Regression
2. Multiple Linear Regression
3. Polynomial Regression
4. Evaluating and Comparing Models

Building Multiple Linear Regression

Building a Multiple Linear Regression is as easy as building a Simple Linear Regression with scikit-learn!
You need to use the same LinearRegression class.

The only difference is that the .coef_ attribute now returns an array of β₁ to βₙ parameters.
Also, X and X_new now hold more than one column.

Looking at data

import pandas as pd file_link='' df = pd.read_csv(file_link) # Open the file print(df.head()) # Printing the first 5 rows of df

Here 'Height' is the target, and 'Father', 'Mother' are the features.
So we will assign 'Father' and 'Mother' columns as the X and 'Height' as the y.

import pandas as pd file_link='' df = pd.read_csv(file_link) # Open the file X = df[['Father', 'Mother']] # Assigning X y = df['Height'] # Assigning y print(X.head()) # Printing the first 5 rows of features

Now we can use the LinearRegression class the same way as before.
It will automatically find the best parameters for our features (using the Normal Equation underneath).

import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # Import LinearRegression file_link = '' df = pd.read_csv(file_link) # Read the file X = df[['Father', 'Mother']] # Assign the feature (with double square brackets) y = df['Height'] # Assign the target (no need in double square brackets for target) model = LinearRegression() # Initialize a model, y) # Train a model # Creating a 2-D array of new instances X_new = np.array([ [65, 62], [70, 65], [75, 70] ]) print("Predictions: ", model.predict(X_new)) # Predict a target for new instances # Print the parameters (unnecessary if you only want to make the predictions) print("beta_1 and beta_2: ", model.coef_) print("beta_0: ", model.intercept_)


Now that our training set has 2 features, we need to provide 2 features for each new instance we want to predict.
That's why np.array([[65, 62],[70, 65],[75, 70]]) was used in the example above.
It predicts y for 3 new instances: [Father:65,Mother:62], [Father:70, Mother:65], [Father:75, Mother:70]

Nice! We made predictions using Multiple Linear Regression.
Using β‎ parameters, we received the following formula:
Person's height = 23.25 + 0.33 * Father's height + 0.32 * Mother's height.

Everything was clear?

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