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Timezone Examples | Timezones and Daylight Savings Time (DST)
Dealing with Dates and Times in Python
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Dealing with Dates and Times in Python

Dealing with Dates and Times in Python

1. Working with Dates
2. Working with Times
3. Timezones and Daylight Savings Time (DST)
4. Working with Dates and Times in pandas

bookTimezone Examples

In the previous chapter, you saw one timezone: America/Edmonton. But the total number of even common timezones is quite big: more than 400! But you can see, that timezone by default contain continent name and city. So, we can explore the variety of timezones across the specific continent.

Since .all_timezones and common_timezones methods return lists, we can easily iterate over them. For example, using list comprehension, we can easily count the number of timezones containing 'America'.

# Load library import pytz # Count number of american timezones using list comprehension american_timezones = len([x for x in pytz.common_timezones if 'America' in x]) print(f"There are {american_timezones} american timezones available in pytz.common_timesones.")


Iterate over .common_timezones and print only timezones containing Europe.

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Секція 3. Розділ 2
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bookTimezone Examples

In the previous chapter, you saw one timezone: America/Edmonton. But the total number of even common timezones is quite big: more than 400! But you can see, that timezone by default contain continent name and city. So, we can explore the variety of timezones across the specific continent.

Since .all_timezones and common_timezones methods return lists, we can easily iterate over them. For example, using list comprehension, we can easily count the number of timezones containing 'America'.

# Load library import pytz # Count number of american timezones using list comprehension american_timezones = len([x for x in pytz.common_timezones if 'America' in x]) print(f"There are {american_timezones} american timezones available in pytz.common_timesones.")


Iterate over .common_timezones and print only timezones containing Europe.

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Секція 3. Розділ 2
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bookTimezone Examples

In the previous chapter, you saw one timezone: America/Edmonton. But the total number of even common timezones is quite big: more than 400! But you can see, that timezone by default contain continent name and city. So, we can explore the variety of timezones across the specific continent.

Since .all_timezones and common_timezones methods return lists, we can easily iterate over them. For example, using list comprehension, we can easily count the number of timezones containing 'America'.

# Load library import pytz # Count number of american timezones using list comprehension american_timezones = len([x for x in pytz.common_timezones if 'America' in x]) print(f"There are {american_timezones} american timezones available in pytz.common_timesones.")


Iterate over .common_timezones and print only timezones containing Europe.

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In the previous chapter, you saw one timezone: America/Edmonton. But the total number of even common timezones is quite big: more than 400! But you can see, that timezone by default contain continent name and city. So, we can explore the variety of timezones across the specific continent.

Since .all_timezones and common_timezones methods return lists, we can easily iterate over them. For example, using list comprehension, we can easily count the number of timezones containing 'America'.

# Load library import pytz # Count number of american timezones using list comprehension american_timezones = len([x for x in pytz.common_timezones if 'America' in x]) print(f"There are {american_timezones} american timezones available in pytz.common_timesones.")


Iterate over .common_timezones and print only timezones containing Europe.

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Секція 3. Розділ 2
Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів