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Seaborn Introduction | Plotting with Seaborn
Ultimate Visualization with Python
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Ultimate Visualization with Python

Ultimate Visualization with Python

1. Matplotlib Introduction
2. Creating Commonly Used Plots
3. Plots Customization
4. More Statistical Plots
5. Plotting with Seaborn

bookSeaborn Introduction

Seaborn is a high-level plotting library based on matplotlib. Let’s have a look at its advantages in comparison to matplotlib:

  • simpler interface;
  • a wide range of default styles and color palettes;
  • works well with pandas DataFrame;
  • a wide range of built-in statistical functions.

Here is an example of a plot created using seaborn with just one line of code:

Apparently, everything you can accomplish using seaborn can be also done with matplotlib, yet it may often take more time and effort.

However, matplotlib being a rather low-level library in comparison, offers more flexibility for your plots, so if you need to create a rather unique plot with a lot of customizations, matplotlib is still the best choice.


Import the seaborn library with the sns alias.

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bookSeaborn Introduction

Seaborn is a high-level plotting library based on matplotlib. Let’s have a look at its advantages in comparison to matplotlib:

  • simpler interface;
  • a wide range of default styles and color palettes;
  • works well with pandas DataFrame;
  • a wide range of built-in statistical functions.

Here is an example of a plot created using seaborn with just one line of code:

Apparently, everything you can accomplish using seaborn can be also done with matplotlib, yet it may often take more time and effort.

However, matplotlib being a rather low-level library in comparison, offers more flexibility for your plots, so if you need to create a rather unique plot with a lot of customizations, matplotlib is still the best choice.


Import the seaborn library with the sns alias.

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bookSeaborn Introduction

Seaborn is a high-level plotting library based on matplotlib. Let’s have a look at its advantages in comparison to matplotlib:

  • simpler interface;
  • a wide range of default styles and color palettes;
  • works well with pandas DataFrame;
  • a wide range of built-in statistical functions.

Here is an example of a plot created using seaborn with just one line of code:

Apparently, everything you can accomplish using seaborn can be also done with matplotlib, yet it may often take more time and effort.

However, matplotlib being a rather low-level library in comparison, offers more flexibility for your plots, so if you need to create a rather unique plot with a lot of customizations, matplotlib is still the best choice.


Import the seaborn library with the sns alias.

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Seaborn is a high-level plotting library based on matplotlib. Let’s have a look at its advantages in comparison to matplotlib:

  • simpler interface;
  • a wide range of default styles and color palettes;
  • works well with pandas DataFrame;
  • a wide range of built-in statistical functions.

Here is an example of a plot created using seaborn with just one line of code:

Apparently, everything you can accomplish using seaborn can be also done with matplotlib, yet it may often take more time and effort.

However, matplotlib being a rather low-level library in comparison, offers more flexibility for your plots, so if you need to create a rather unique plot with a lot of customizations, matplotlib is still the best choice.


Import the seaborn library with the sns alias.

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Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів