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Aprenda Lists (1/3) | Other data types
Learn Python from Scratch
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Learn Python from Scratch

Learn Python from Scratch

1. The basics
2. Arithmetic operations
3. Common data types
4. Conditional statements
5. Other data types
6. Loops
7. Functions

Lists (1/3)

List - is one of the data structures in Python. It allows storing inside itself variables of different types, such as numbers, strings, tuples, dictionaries... (which will be discussed later).

To create a list, use [] brackets and put inside them variables/values you want to store in the list. Also, you can convert one variable into a list (this variable type has to be iterable, like string, list, or tuple).

For example, we can create a list with countries' names and their population.

# create list with countries and their areas countries = ["USA", 9629091, "Canada", 9984670, "Germany", 357114] print(countries)

The indexation of elements is the same as for strings, i.e. the very first element has index 0. For example, let's get information about Canada: name is in the third position (which means the index is 2) and area in the fourth (index 3), so we need to write 2:4 (right limit is not inclusive, as you remember).

# elements from 2 to 3 in our list countries = ["USA", 9629091, "Canada", 9984670, "Germany", 357114] print(countries[2:4])

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Create variable people and store the names of people with their ages. Then print your list.



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Lists (1/3)

List - is one of the data structures in Python. It allows storing inside itself variables of different types, such as numbers, strings, tuples, dictionaries... (which will be discussed later).

To create a list, use [] brackets and put inside them variables/values you want to store in the list. Also, you can convert one variable into a list (this variable type has to be iterable, like string, list, or tuple).

For example, we can create a list with countries' names and their population.

# create list with countries and their areas countries = ["USA", 9629091, "Canada", 9984670, "Germany", 357114] print(countries)

The indexation of elements is the same as for strings, i.e. the very first element has index 0. For example, let's get information about Canada: name is in the third position (which means the index is 2) and area in the fourth (index 3), so we need to write 2:4 (right limit is not inclusive, as you remember).

# elements from 2 to 3 in our list countries = ["USA", 9629091, "Canada", 9984670, "Germany", 357114] print(countries[2:4])

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Create variable people and store the names of people with their ages. Then print your list.



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