Contenu du cours
C Structs
C Structs
After we have defined all the necessary functions - it's time to use them!
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- Create nodes with values of type int;
- Display all nodes of the list;
- Free the memory allocated for the list.
This completes the basic implementation of a single-linked list.
Basic because the program allocates memory for nodes, appends nodes to the end of the list, prints the list to the screen, and frees the memory.
You can create a huge variety of functions to interact with or process your list, it all depends on the task!
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After we have defined all the necessary functions - it's time to use them!
Swipe to start coding
- Create nodes with values of type int;
- Display all nodes of the list;
- Free the memory allocated for the list.
This completes the basic implementation of a single-linked list.
Basic because the program allocates memory for nodes, appends nodes to the end of the list, prints the list to the screen, and frees the memory.
You can create a huge variety of functions to interact with or process your list, it all depends on the task!
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