Contenido del Curso
Principios Básicos de Java
Principios Básicos de Java
Rol de Java en el Backend
¿Cómo se utiliza Java en el backend?
Java es un lenguaje de programación bastante versátil. Se puede utilizar para escribir una amplia gama de programas, desde aplicaciones web hasta videojuegos completos. Tomemos como ejemplo una aplicación web, o simplemente un sitio web, y exploremos el rol de Java:
How does a web application work?
To begin with, it's important to understand how a web application functions in general. It's quite straightforward. When you click, for instance, the registration button on a website, the frontend sends this data and a request for assistance to the backend. The backend recognizes that it has a task from the frontend, performs necessary operations, such as saving the user to the database and registering them, and then sends back information to the frontend, indicating that everything went well.
In this way, the backend and frontend work together. In this symbiotic relationship, Java plays the role of the backend. Java will receive data and requests from the frontend and carry out the application's work that the user doesn't see.
I think you can see that there's nothing too complicated here. But what exactly does Java do? Java performs various logical operations, processes information, retrieves data from the database and writes it there, and works with various third-party APIs to process and transmit information to the frontend.
Creo que puedes ver que no hay nada demasiado complicado aquí. Pero, ¿qué hace exactamente Java? Java realiza varias operaciones lógicas, procesa información, recupera datos de la base de datos y los escribe allí, y trabaja con varias API de terceros para procesar y transmitir información al frontend.
Learning plan
If you're ready to make a significant contribution to your future, or if you're just curious about one of the most popular programming languages, then this course is for you!
The course structure is quite simple. You will learn:
- How Java works and why it’s widely used;
- Basic syntax and key features of the language;
- Using loops to repeat tasks efficiently;
- Working with arrays to store and manage data;
- Manipulating strings to handle text.
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