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while loop (1/2) | Loops
Learn Python from Scratch
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Learn Python from Scratch

Learn Python from Scratch

1. The basics
2. Arithmetic operations
3. Common data types
4. Conditional statements
5. Other data types
6. Loops
7. Functions

bookwhile loop (1/2)

Sometimes you need your code to run all the time when the condition holds. For example, in real life, we don't quit the metro train till we reach our station. I.e. if we need "Station B" we will miss "Station A", "Station C" and so on, until we reach "Station B". In Python you can write something like this using while loop:

while condition: do

For example, we can print all the numbers to 10.

# assign starting number i = 1 # while loop will print all the numbers to 10 while i < 10: # condition print(i) # action i = i + 1 # increasing variable

You might notice, that we use i = i + 1 inside the loop. If we didn't specify that, our loop would be infinite, as every time it checked condition it got 1 < 10, which is True. Be careful while using this type of loop in order not to make your code execution infinite.


  1. Create variable i with value 1.
  2. Using while loop print all the numbers less than 10 squared. Do not forget to increase your number on each step!

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Sección 6. Capítulo 1
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bookwhile loop (1/2)

Sometimes you need your code to run all the time when the condition holds. For example, in real life, we don't quit the metro train till we reach our station. I.e. if we need "Station B" we will miss "Station A", "Station C" and so on, until we reach "Station B". In Python you can write something like this using while loop:

while condition: do

For example, we can print all the numbers to 10.

# assign starting number i = 1 # while loop will print all the numbers to 10 while i < 10: # condition print(i) # action i = i + 1 # increasing variable

You might notice, that we use i = i + 1 inside the loop. If we didn't specify that, our loop would be infinite, as every time it checked condition it got 1 < 10, which is True. Be careful while using this type of loop in order not to make your code execution infinite.


  1. Create variable i with value 1.
  2. Using while loop print all the numbers less than 10 squared. Do not forget to increase your number on each step!

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Sección 6. Capítulo 1
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bookwhile loop (1/2)

Sometimes you need your code to run all the time when the condition holds. For example, in real life, we don't quit the metro train till we reach our station. I.e. if we need "Station B" we will miss "Station A", "Station C" and so on, until we reach "Station B". In Python you can write something like this using while loop:

while condition: do

For example, we can print all the numbers to 10.

# assign starting number i = 1 # while loop will print all the numbers to 10 while i < 10: # condition print(i) # action i = i + 1 # increasing variable

You might notice, that we use i = i + 1 inside the loop. If we didn't specify that, our loop would be infinite, as every time it checked condition it got 1 < 10, which is True. Be careful while using this type of loop in order not to make your code execution infinite.


  1. Create variable i with value 1.
  2. Using while loop print all the numbers less than 10 squared. Do not forget to increase your number on each step!

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Sometimes you need your code to run all the time when the condition holds. For example, in real life, we don't quit the metro train till we reach our station. I.e. if we need "Station B" we will miss "Station A", "Station C" and so on, until we reach "Station B". In Python you can write something like this using while loop:

while condition: do

For example, we can print all the numbers to 10.

# assign starting number i = 1 # while loop will print all the numbers to 10 while i < 10: # condition print(i) # action i = i + 1 # increasing variable

You might notice, that we use i = i + 1 inside the loop. If we didn't specify that, our loop would be infinite, as every time it checked condition it got 1 < 10, which is True. Be careful while using this type of loop in order not to make your code execution infinite.


  1. Create variable i with value 1.
  2. Using while loop print all the numbers less than 10 squared. Do not forget to increase your number on each step!

Switch to desktopCambia al escritorio para practicar en el mundo realContinúe desde donde se encuentra utilizando una de las siguientes opciones
Sección 6. Capítulo 1
Switch to desktopCambia al escritorio para practicar en el mundo realContinúe desde donde se encuentra utilizando una de las siguientes opciones