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Summary | Functions
Introduction to JavaScript
course content

Contenido del Curso

Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

1. Basic Concepts
2. Variables and Data Types
3. Basic Operations
4. Conditional Statements
5. Loops
6. Functions


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Variables and Constants

  • Variable (let) is named storage of value for the multiple usages;
  • Constant (const) is an unchangeable variable.

Data Types

  • number is a numeric data type;
  • string is a text data type. Writing in quotes (" or ');
  • boolean is a logical data type (true or false);
  • array is a collection of values. The most commonly used methods are push(), pop(), unshift() and shift().

Basic operations

  • Assignment (=);
  • Math (+, -, *, etc.);
  • Comparison (>=, <, ==, ===, etc.);
  • Logical (AND &&, OR (||);
  • String Concatenation (+ between strings).

Conditional Statements

  • if (condition) {code block};
  • else {code block} after if;
  • else if (condition) {code block} for a few conditions.


  • while (condition) {code block};
  • do (code block) while (condition);
  • for (let counter; condition; counter++) {code block}.


  • function myFunc(arg1, arg2, arg3) {code block};
  • Call the function: myFunc(value1, value2, value3);
  • Use the return keyword to return the value from a function.


Congratulations! You've successfully completed the 'Introduction to JavaScript' course, mastering the basics of JS. If you're eager to delve deeper into this fantastic programming language, you're invited to join the 'JavaScript Data Structures' course, where we'll explore more about data in JS.

1. Conditional Statements are used to:
2. Loops are used to:
3. Functions are used to:

Conditional Statements are used to:

Selecciona unas respuestas correctas

Loops are used to:

Selecciona la respuesta correcta

Functions are used to:

Selecciona unas respuestas correctas

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 6. Capítulo 7
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