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Lernen Null vs Undefined | Data Types and Variables
Introduction to JavaScript (staging)
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Introduction to JavaScript (staging)

Introduction to JavaScript (staging)

1. Introduction
2. JavaScript syntax
3. Data Types and Variables

Null vs Undefined

Similarities Between null and undefined

  • Both are Falsy:
    A falsy (sometimes written falsey) value is a value that is considered as false when encountered in a Boolean context. There are six-falsy-value in JavaScript.

    • NaN (Not A Number)
    • 0 (Zero)
    • null
    • undefined
    • '' (empty string)
    • false
      Any value other than the above six falsy values, in JavaScript, will be considered as truthy.
  • Both are Primitive Values:
    JavaScript has seven primitive values including null and undefined. Here is a full list:

    • Null
    • Undefined
    • String
    • Number
    • BigInt
    • Symbol
    • Boolean

null !== undefined:

Although null and undefined share some similarities but they are different from each other and it is obvious that the null and undefined are not strictly equal.

console.log(null === undefined);

But null loosely equals undefined.

console.log(null == undefined)

As we talk in the previous chapter == checks the loose equality. But In JavaScript, a double equals tests for loose equality and it performs type coercion. type coercion means converting the value to the common type. But === does not perform type type coercion.


  • The undefined variables are those variables that are declared without any values assigned to them.
  • null is not assigned to a variable by default like the undefined.
  • Both the null and undefined are falsy values.

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Null vs Undefined

Similarities Between null and undefined

  • Both are Falsy:
    A falsy (sometimes written falsey) value is a value that is considered as false when encountered in a Boolean context. There are six-falsy-value in JavaScript.

    • NaN (Not A Number)
    • 0 (Zero)
    • null
    • undefined
    • '' (empty string)
    • false
      Any value other than the above six falsy values, in JavaScript, will be considered as truthy.
  • Both are Primitive Values:
    JavaScript has seven primitive values including null and undefined. Here is a full list:

    • Null
    • Undefined
    • String
    • Number
    • BigInt
    • Symbol
    • Boolean

null !== undefined:

Although null and undefined share some similarities but they are different from each other and it is obvious that the null and undefined are not strictly equal.

console.log(null === undefined);

But null loosely equals undefined.

console.log(null == undefined)

As we talk in the previous chapter == checks the loose equality. But In JavaScript, a double equals tests for loose equality and it performs type coercion. type coercion means converting the value to the common type. But === does not perform type type coercion.


  • The undefined variables are those variables that are declared without any values assigned to them.
  • null is not assigned to a variable by default like the undefined.
  • Both the null and undefined are falsy values.

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Abschnitt 3. Kapitel 32
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