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Lernen Challenge 5: Adding Text to Plots | Matplotlib
Data Science Interview Challenge
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Data Science Interview Challenge

Data Science Interview Challenge

1. Python
2. NumPy
3. Pandas
4. Matplotlib
5. Seaborn
6. Statistics
7. Scikit-learn

Challenge 5: Adding Text to Plots

Annotating and adding textual elements to plots can provide context and clarity to the data being presented. These textual elements can:

  • Highlight specific data points or trends in the data.
  • Explain the significance of certain features of the plot.
  • Provide additional details or supplementary information that doesn't fit neatly into the x or y axis labels.

Matplotlib offers versatile text and annotation functions that allow you to place text in arbitrary positions, adjust its style, and even point to specific parts of the chart.

Enhancing your plots with appropriate textual elements ensures that the viewer can grasp the full story behind the data.


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Using Matplotlib, add text and annotations to a simple line plot:

  1. Label the x-axis as X-Axis and the y-axis as Y-Axis.
  2. Determine the maximum and minimum y-values from the given data and annotate these points on the plot. Also, include arrows pointing to the max and min points.
  3. Insert a textual note at the coordinate (2.45, 2) with the content 'The greatest decline', rotated at an angle of -72 degrees.


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Abschnitt 4. Kapitel 5
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Challenge 5: Adding Text to Plots

Annotating and adding textual elements to plots can provide context and clarity to the data being presented. These textual elements can:

  • Highlight specific data points or trends in the data.
  • Explain the significance of certain features of the plot.
  • Provide additional details or supplementary information that doesn't fit neatly into the x or y axis labels.

Matplotlib offers versatile text and annotation functions that allow you to place text in arbitrary positions, adjust its style, and even point to specific parts of the chart.

Enhancing your plots with appropriate textual elements ensures that the viewer can grasp the full story behind the data.


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Using Matplotlib, add text and annotations to a simple line plot:

  1. Label the x-axis as X-Axis and the y-axis as Y-Axis.
  2. Determine the maximum and minimum y-values from the given data and annotate these points on the plot. Also, include arrows pointing to the max and min points.
  3. Insert a textual note at the coordinate (2.45, 2) with the content 'The greatest decline', rotated at an angle of -72 degrees.


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