Python Tutorial for Beginners
Python Tutorial for Beginners
Comparison operators
Let's talk more about ==. It is one of the comparison operators, in particular the equality operator. You can use it to compare two things to see if they are equal. For example, you can compare the following:
- a variable with a string,
- a variable with a number,
- a variable with a math expression,
- a variable with a variable.
Let's look at the example of using this operator:
if name = "Alex":
if number_1 + number_2 == 50:
if total_cost == previous_cost + 120:
Another comparsion operator, !=, is the opposite of ==, It means is not equal to.
your_ticket_number = 357 if your_ticket_number != 777: print("Better luck next time")
Here are 4 more comparsion operators, usually used to compare numbers.
- > - is greater than
- < - is less than
- >= - is greater than or equal to
- <= - is less than or equal to
Swipe to start coding
Write an if statement that tests whether a first variable is greater than a second variable. If the test passes, make the second variable equal to the first variable. The name of the first variable is number_1, the name of the second variable is number_2. Display the result of the number_2.
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Comparison operators
Let's talk more about ==. It is one of the comparison operators, in particular the equality operator. You can use it to compare two things to see if they are equal. For example, you can compare the following:
- a variable with a string,
- a variable with a number,
- a variable with a math expression,
- a variable with a variable.
Let's look at the example of using this operator:
if name = "Alex":
if number_1 + number_2 == 50:
if total_cost == previous_cost + 120:
Another comparsion operator, !=, is the opposite of ==, It means is not equal to.
your_ticket_number = 357 if your_ticket_number != 777: print("Better luck next time")
Here are 4 more comparsion operators, usually used to compare numbers.
- > - is greater than
- < - is less than
- >= - is greater than or equal to
- <= - is less than or equal to
Swipe to start coding
Write an if statement that tests whether a first variable is greater than a second variable. If the test passes, make the second variable equal to the first variable. The name of the first variable is number_1, the name of the second variable is number_2. Display the result of the number_2.
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